
MTN's 2019 Wish List - Part II


Last week we posted our first "Wish List" installment, wherein we expressed our fervent desire that Gaby Bunten be named USAT 2018 Athlete of the Year. Today's post deals with our desire for certain cancelled races to be resurrected....

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A Crucial Component...


Monthly Training Tip:


By OutPace Coach Anthony Jagielo

The Benefits of Strength Training

At this point in the year strength training should be a main component of any training program. Many endurance athletes resist the notion that strength training is an intricate component of training and racing. The reason for this misunderstanding is usually a lack of explanation of the importance of strength training. I hope that this monthly tip will clarify some of those questions and inspire each of you to take a new level of focus when approaching your next strength training session. Here are some (but not limited to) of the benefits of strength training:

1. Resiliency in the ligaments and tendons which decreases your chance of injury when endurance training volume increases in preparation for race season....

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The Note, the Thought, the Time...




By Ruth Brennan Morrey (from Facebook)


99.9% of my runs are done alone bc of several reasons...but mostly because I love my alone time in nature to breathe, find my own rhythm, and let my mind wander to really fun places.

Over break, an old friend was in town and I asked her to go for a run because our visiting time would be short. We had a wonderful chat and put another building block into our friendship.

Today, I received a heartfelt card from her detailing her enjoyment of the run and noting every conversation we had and thanking me for my part in it. Geez...A hand written ‘thank you’ note after a friendship building run....

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By Nikki Dostert Sudberry


Norpine Fat Bike Classic Race Report - ❄️Somewhere between the start of this race, riding the mashed potato snow and the flat tire just before the finish, this ginger had a fucking melt down. Yup, full on; toddler style. But this one included the word “fuck” about 100 times. Some loud yelling. Kicking the snow and then falling in it, stripping off my kit and more yelling. Then as I sat there feeling defeated I started laughing. THIS is why not everyone races fat bikes.
This race is a fun and hard race. But depending on the weather it can make it harder. And that’s why we do it. This race tested everyone physically and mentally.
After my “ginger-snap” session and my hours pleading with God I approach the last km of my race with my flat tire. I decided not to change it with less than a mile left as it was faster to run with it. #cxskills ....

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MTN's 2019 Wish List...Part I


Photo - Gaby Bunten working out with Leanda Cave.


By Warren Peece

Over the next several weeks we will be posting items from our 2019 “Wish List.” Here is our first of these stories.


We were disappointed when Gaby was not named AOY Honorable Mention in 2017. In our opinion, she was a slam dunk selection, but USAT opted to include Masters and Grand Masters among their overall AOY HMs, something they hadn't done since 2000. As a result, several deserving open class athletes—Gaby, Clay Emge, Jacqueline Godbe--were overlooked.

We certainly hope that USAT returns to their original format to determine this year's AOYs and HMs.

It probably seems odd that we want Bunten to win the national AOY award despite her being ranked a close 2nd for Minnesota's Triathlete of the Year. What needs to be understood is that our (MMA Committee) criteria differs from the Federation's. We concluded that Hannah Grinaker's total resume suggested that she was arguably the most talented amateur female triathlete in the US last year. She was brilliant in EVERY performance, turning in world class efforts at sprint, Olympic and half IM distances, plus posting what may have been the premier IM debut by an amateur American woman last year....

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