
Training, Tahoe, Kona...

devBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com - September 23, 2013)

-Swimming is coming around. Last Monday was my first practice back and it did not go well. With 6 swims last week I managed to put some fitness back in my arms and felt pretty fast again this morning at practice. Our main set was 300s and I  had enough vigor to swim really fast the 1st 100 to get on the feet of my lanemate Brian who was leading. Thankfully Brian was not rushing too much so the final 200 of each 300 was relatively controlled, until he actually tried on the last one. The “last one, fast one” principle is respected in our lane.

-Ironman Lake Tahoe was interesting to track. Looking at the bike times the course is clearly hard! I was surprised the field did not split up dramatically...

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How to Watch the Ironman World Championships...

macca-finish.gifBy Bethany Mavis (triathlon.competitor.com)

Want to follow the Ironman World Championship ..... this Saturday? Here’s what you need to know.

The exclusive live coverage will be on Ironman.com, and will be hosted by former Ironman world champion Greg Welch, and pro triathletes Michael Lovato and Matt Lieto. The live coverage will begin on Saturday, Oct. 12 at 6:00 a.m. HST (that’s 9:00 a.m. on the West Coast and 12 noon on the East....

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Channeling My Inner Kobayashi...

old-man-cloud.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com - Oct. 1)

Leadman 250 Race Report - A couple weekends ago I was in Bend, OR for a 9+ hour death march otherwise known as the Leadman 250, which is a triathlon consisting of a 5k swim, 223k bike and 23k run.  If you're thinking, "wow, that sounds stupid, nobody should ever race that long," you are officially a smarter person than I am....

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Aging Gracefully....

neil-kona.gif(Photo L - Three-time Grand Master of the Year nominee Neil King.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - This year's Grand Master of the Year nominees were difficult to determine. By and large, no one, with one exception, truly dominated their AG, which in this case were those in the 60+ range for men and 55+ range for women.

After much debate, some of which flirted with acrimony (not really!), here are the official nominees and their 2013 highlights:

NEIL KING (64, Nevis)

1st AG @ Life Time Tri - Minneapolis

1st AG / 2nd Master / 6th overall @ Lakes to Pines

1st AG/ 13th overall @ Vistancia Sprint (AZ)...

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Kona Was a Bonus...& State Pride...

Diane-and-daughter.gifBy Diane Hankee

What do I hope to experience in Kona?  Well… the triathlon or the Hula dancing? 

I have raced some great courses this year and doing Kona will be the icing on the cake.  After riding Ironman Texas with my bike seat detached, crooked and wedged against the seat post, I am hoping that a flat tire will be the worst that will happen in Kona.  In TX I rode 65 miles with my seat in this condition and I debated if it would have been better to ditch the seat entirely.  I didn’t want the day to end so I went with it.  Thankfully the course was flat but the train tracks and bumps were numbing.  My husband warned me in TX not to adjust my seat before the race.  It was so painful that it resulted in a great bike split.  However, going through water stops was like riding a unicycle and the distraction and pain lead to nutrition issues and a bad race.  I felt horrible...

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