
Performance of the Year...The Guys

matt-biking.gif(Photo - Matt Payne has two POY nominations this year.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - A few years back the MMA Selectors created a policy wherein a single athlete could not have more than two nominations in the Performance of the Year category. Had this policy not been in place in 2012, for instance, Dan Hedgecock would have received at least three of the four official male POY nominations, something that has happened in the past, e.g. Marlo Crosby in 2006....

Here are the official 2013 men's POY nominees:

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More MMA Stuff...

trinightMinnesota Multisport Awards - The nominees for all but two of the MMA categories--Long Course Athlete of the Year and Performance of the Year--have been officially announced, albeit in chunks. The male Triathlete of the Year candidates, for instance, were announced on October 2, while the female Most Improved nominees were revealed back on September 26, etc. For obvious reasons, the nominees in the final two categories were scheduled to be announced after the Hawaiian Ironman. To be more precise, those nominees will be tomorrow. Our fingers are crossed...

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State Record!

Michelle-Kona.gifIronman World Championships - Last Friday a guy contacted us wanting to know what Minnesota amateur woman has the fastest time at Kona. We dug around a bit and believe that Catherine Lee was our state's fastest female finisher (amateur) at the Super Bowl of Triathlon. In 2010, she turned in a 10:28:27.

The guy asked his question because he assumed that whatever that time was, it was destined to be lowered by one or more of the fast Minnesota women that were scheduled to race on the Big Island on Saturday. We agreed with him that a new state record would be set.

Well, it's Sunday morning. Were we right? Did any of our state's women unseat Cathy Lee?

Oh yeah!

As most of you already know, Michelle Andres turned in a career performance yesterday. Her time was a jaw-dropping 9:50:23, which placed her 3rd in the...

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Minnesotans at Kona...9:50:23!!!!!

IMlogo.gif1:20 PM (MN Time) - Most of the swim splits are in:

Michelle Andres (35-39) - SWIM - 1:09:06 (Andres' split is 4:48 faster than her IMOO '12 swim!) - BIKE - 5:14:29! (7:47 faster than IMOO '12!) - If she can match her IMOO run split, she'll break 10 hours!  - Run Split - 3:20:53 (Two minutes faster than IMOO '12)

Minnesota's  all-time fastest Ironmanwoman just got even faster! 9:50:23!!!!

Cindy Blackstock (40-44) - Swim - 1:32:26 - Bike - 6:27:02 - Run - 4:20:16 - 12:34:36

Paul Bozoian (55-59) - Swim - 1:02:58 - Bike - 5:32:20 - Run - 4:28:02 - 11:13:52

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Nutritional Boo-Boos...

peopleMTN assiduously scours The Web, especially in the post-season months, in search of interesting articles to post. We hope you enjoy this one about the nutrition boo-boos even smart triathletes make. We found it at Triathlon.competitor.com.

You are a smart triathlete: You wake up at 5 a.m., routinely decline a second round of drinks, watch what you eat and are aware of the latest trends in sports nutrition and bike technology. But even the most well-meaning, self-sacrificing, smart triathletes can make nutrition mistakes that prevent them from reaching their body composition and performance goals. Avoid the following nutrition traps and your 2012 season will be better than you imagined....

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