
Tiger Nuts? And Other Weird Stuff...

tiger_nuts.pngBy Lauren Antonucci, R.D. (triathlete.com)

Which trendy foods are actually worth incorporating into your diet?

Each time I pick up a magazine, scour the Internet or check social media, there is a new food “trend” that catches my eye. Being a sports dietitian, I feel the need to research all of them and try only the ones that make sense—and sound delicious! I wanted to start 2016 by helping you decipher some of the current food trends.


This curry-like spice comes from the root of the curcuma longa plant. It has been used for thousands of years throughout China and India as a spice and yellow colorant in foods as well as to treat infections, inflammation and digestive issues. Research suggests that the active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, lowers levels of two inflammatory enzymes and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Turmeric may also help improve inflammatory...

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Du & Dubai...


KING BOREAS DUATHLON - Yup, it's official. Sunday's Winter Triathlon National Championship at Lake Phalen is now a du (5K-19.5K-3K). The event needed more of the white stuff and some colder temps in the last several days, but that didn't happen.

Still, there will be a good crowd racing on Sunday. The list we saw yesterday had 92 names on it. For perspective, last year's race (tri) had 66 finishers....

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The "F" Word...

JUNE-final-632x421.pngThe MTN Guys are big fans of Meredith Atwood's blog.


By Meredith Atwood (triathlete.com and swimbikemom.com)

A healthy body image can be frustratingly elusive, especially when old habits—and thought patterns—die hard.

I am a mom of two children, ages 7 and 8, who could not be more different in looks and in personality. When asked about nature versus nurture, I always say now that I am a parent that it’s absolutely nature—these kids escaped the womb with the same personalities that exist today. As a totally unfair...

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Mornings Are All About Rewards...

ted_swim.pngBy Ted Treise (venturetri.com)

It's winter in Minnesota at 5:00AM. The bad news is, is that the temp is somewhere between zero and negative fifty. The good news is, you’re going swimming. As of last September, I’ve been swimming more yards than previously thought possible with the Orca’s Masters Swim Club. Coach Tom Walsh has taken me from being passed like I was a cone on the highway, to my current status of being passed as a Smart Car. The thorny part of this fish club is the start time. We enter the water at a bright and early 5:30AM start time, which means getting up before 5, which means 10PM is a mythical time on the clock in which no human probably ever sees.  Below are my top hacks for making that 5:30 swim time a less zombie like experience.

Setting the Alarm: When setting the early alarm, it’s important to go sometime before 5, even if your mobile training van is HQ’ed in the pools parking lot. This ...

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Travel, Marriage, Food & Goofy Disguises...

hah.pngBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

My second pro season was filled with some highs and plenty of lows, coming off a solid 2015 it was tough get my head around the lows. I had high expectations to carry my rising performance level through 2016.

I started the year off early racing in Panama at the end of January with possibly my best performance to date. I swam with the front pack and was able to make a break on the bike to come off the bike over a minute in front of the rest of the pro field.  It was a blazing hot run but somehow I managed to hold on for third.  I could see the fourth place girl not far behind me and I had to dig deep to hold on that last mile which felt endless.  I crossed the line 7 seconds behind 2nd and 7 in front of fourth, it was the...

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