
Nordic Skiing: Key to Your Next Tri PR...

NordicSkilow.pngBy A.J. Johnson (triathlete.com)

Winter represents a time for triathletes to take a break from swimming, biking and running, but that doesn’t mean you should sit on the couch. The key is to find a way to build your fitness in alternate ways so you improve physically while not burning out mentally. Luckily, there exists a single sport that can help you build aerobic fitness, aerobic threshold, as well as power and stamina in your legs, core and arms and you can do it outside, typically in beautiful surrounding—it’s called nordic skiing.

Nordic skiing, often referred to as cross country or nordorking, has become the off-season sport of choice for many endurance athletes during the winter months. Nordic skiing is a unique sport in that it gives you an opportunity to make use of your existing endurance in a new and fun way, while also still providing a significant boost to your ability to swim, bike and run. The list of professional triathletes...

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Cold Showers Are Good....


By Lizette Borelli (medicaldaily.com)


Most of us have been caught in that skin-cringing, and often dreaded moment of being the last one to shower. If you haven't then chances are that you've had someone walk into the bathroom, and flush the toilet mid-shower, leaving you covered in bone-chilling cold water. In these moments, instead of indulging in a hot luxurious shower, especially during the bitter cold winter months, we find ourselves shivering with discomfort and anger, but this may actually be...

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Cooley & Guenther Claim Winter Nationals Titles...


ED. As promised, here is USAT's coverage of last Sunday's Winter Triathlon (Duathlon) National Championship in St. Paul:

By USA Triathlon (January 30, 2017)

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The 2017 USA Triathlon National Championships season opened Sunday with Minnesotans Sean Cooley and Jan Guenther capturing overall amateur titles at the USA Triathlon Winter Triathlon National Championships, held as part of the King Boreas Winter Triathlon at Lake Phalen....

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The Things That Light Me Up"...

IM-Canada-EK.pngBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

The blog squad (Team Coeur) is switching things up. This week, rather than all writing on the same topic, we went round robin, each of us asking someone else a question to answer on her blog.

My question from Jen:

What was a pivotal moment for you in triathlon/as an athlete and how did it affect/change you from then on?

Ahh, such a tough question, Jen! I thought about it for quite a while – and talked about it with my sister during our road trip home-home. I can’t pinpoint exactly one moment – because it’s instead a few pivotal moments.

The first: my first (and only) open marathon in 2008. I don’t remember why I signed up for Grandma’s Marathon that year, but I did. And, that spring I checked off every single workout on the intermediate training plan I download from the race websbite. From hill sessions to speed work, I ran my way around Alexandria, determined to have a fast race. But, thanks to some unexpected hot + humid weather, a completely naïve me – race nutrition?! What’s that?! – and a serious bonk, I crossed the finish line in 4:49. My dreams: crushed. The takeaways: many – including a belief that with hard work, consistency and determination, I was capable of anything I put my mind to.  READ MORE

Sean & Jan Are National Champions...

king_b_guys.pngKING BOREAS WINTER MULTISPORT NATIONALS - Yesterday's national championship winter duathlon--5K-17K-3K--at Lake Phalen was a goodie. Close to 100 sign-ups, but there was some DNS attrition, probably due to the breezy conditions that made the 20-degree temps feel more like -5.

Still, the 75-or-so who raced had a great time.

Our earlier winner predictions were wrong, of course, though our prediction that we would be wrong was spot on. We picked Jason Toth to win the men's race, but veteran late registrant Sean Cooley snuck in and won rather convincingly. We picked Joel LaFrance, a Multisport Rookie of the Year nominee in 2015, to come in 2nd, and he did just that. He looked strong and finished only 1:11 behind national classer, Sean Cooley. Expect Joel to rock socks this summer, perhaps even earning a spot on Team Minnesota....

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