
Beating the Winter Blues...

winter_blues.pngBy Danielle Liubicich (triathlete.com

You’re inspired by the new year, but it’s winter, the days are short, maybe your neighborhood is buried under a foot of snow, and triathlon season feels like it may never start up again. Sound familiar? You’re not alone! The winter training blues happen to everyone whether you live in a warm southern climate or the frigid north. Everyone struggles with motivation and consistency as they recover from their previous season and start laying the foundation for the next year of racing.

Here are five tips to keep you moving in a positive direction through the long winter months.

1. Take some time to reflect on what triathlon means to you. What do you enjoy about training and racing? What parts of the experiences are most enjoyable to you? Triathlon is a sport and it should be fun. Whenever you...

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Keeping the Love Alive....


By Meredith Atwood (triathlete.com)

What happens when the love for tri seems to be headed for divorce? ...

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21st Century Team Minnesota...

claire_-_bike.pngNot long ago a guy dared us to create "21st Century Team Minnesota," i.e. our state's Top 10 men and women during the period between January 1, 2001 and today. We loved the idea, and with some input from a couple of the MMA Selectors, we came up with our lists, which we choose tp reveal in alphabetical order, not by ranking their resumes.

The women's listing was easier to compile, so let's start with them. Here is MTN's 21st Century Women's Team Minnesota":

- MICHELLE ANDRES - Minnesota's all-time fastest and most decorated amateur female Iron distance competitor, she's a two-time IMOO champ and set her PR- 9:50:23 at Kona in 2013.

- CLAIRE BOOTSMA (photo L) - She won 13 races, most in course record times, in her short (4 years) career in which she entered only the most competitive races. Her personal best at Olympic distance was 2:09:26.

- RUTH BRENNAN MORREY - A pro since 2013, Ruth is a two-time US Elite Duathlete of the Year in addition to being our state's fastest female at long distances. Her best IM performances yielded a 9:09 and a 9:02. Her best 70.3 time is 4:13. ...

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Important Stuff About Sleep...


By MARTY GAAL  (Triathlete.com -JAN. 25, 2016)

Sleep is a wonderful thing. It lets us recharge and wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to tackle another adventure. Or does it?

Your body needs sleep. But many of you are not getting enough of it. A recent review of insufficient sleep data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 35 percent of adults are not getting enough sleep. The data from 2009 shows that only about 30 percent of teens were getting enough sleep (70 percent are not getting enough)....

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Bennett and Sheena...

bennett_and_mark.pngPhoto - Bennett Isabella and another guy.

Yesterday we discussed some of the pleasant surprises that happened during the 2016 season. Hanna Grinaker and Wade Cruser, for instance, outperformed everyone's expectations, except perhaps their own, and Sean Cooley's.

Today, we'll talk about the pleasant surprises of the 2015 season.

2015 - The most pleasant surprise on the men's side was Bennett Isabella's breakout season, one that not only earned him his first-ever berth on Team Minnesota, but landed him in the Top 5. Bennett had been, as they say, "knocking on the door" since 2011, thus many assumed that his eventual placement on Team Minnesota was a foregone conclusion. Cracking the Top 5 however, required a herculean season. Isabella raced in fourteen multis, winning twice--Memphis in May Olympic and Graniteman...

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