Race Coverage

Lendway is World Champion!...Updated...

heather-and-dani.gifITU EDMONTON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - How competitive was the women's field at LIfe Time Tri - Minneapolis in July? Would you believe that the Top 3 women there were also the Top 3 women at Edmonton Worlds this morning?

It's true. St. Paul's HEATHER LENDWAY, Californian ROBYN POMEROY and Wausau, Wisconsin by way of Rochester, Minnesota's DANI FISCHER not only repeated their Minneapolis Tri positions, they formed a USA podium, something that hasn't been done in a long, long, time. All three women appear destined for national post-season honors.

Also, the last time an American woman had won both the National and World Championships was in 2005, when Virginian MARGIE SHAPIRO made it happen. Shapiro was undefeated back then, and Lendway is undefeated, in non-drafting races, that is, this year. Additionally, Heather's 2014 win total is now 10. The last Minnesota woman to accomplish double-digit wins was BECKY YOUNGBERG, back in 2011.

Lendway became a triathlete in 2012 and now has 20 victories (in 26 starts), including TWO National Championship titles and a Worlds crown.....

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Proud to be Part of it....

heather-food-tent.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

YWCA Women's Tri Race Report - Before leaving for Detroit I prepared as much as I could for the YWCA Women’s Tri, knowing I’d be on a tight time crunch when I arrived home Saturday night.  I setup my bike for racing and piled up whatever clothes and race gear that I could.  When I arrived home I was still running around like a maniac unpacking, repacking and of course eating.  While in spastic rush mode I dropped a bowl in my kitchen, disaster.  It shattered into about 1000 tiny pieces in the kitchen and into my porch.  After cleaning that up I was definitely ready for bed.

Typically I like to get to transition first thing when it opens, but getting to bed late I slept in a bit longer than usual.  Somehow I managed to still be the first...

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Dad Rocks "The Birthplace of America"...

andy-z.gif4th Annual HARVEST DUATHLON - ANDY ZABEL is a cool guy in his mid-thirties. He shaves his head and it looks really good and he has six or seven kids (photo L with two of his offspring). No kidding. Yesterday he won the Harvest Duathlon in Alexandria, "Alex" for short, a place that claims to be "The Birthplace of America." It's a Viking thing. It was the second W of his young multisport career.

Zabel's margin of victory on Saturday over runner-up MICHAEL STOICK, a two-time Minnesota Duathlete of the Year (2002, 2003), was 1:18. PETER RAINEY rounded out the men's Top 3.

For the third consecutive year, local athlete ANGIE JOHNSON won the women's race. She sometimes eats breakfast at a place called The Northwoods, where the portions are huge ...

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Jorgensen is World Champ! And Other Stuff...

gwen-wt.gifTriathlon.org - American GWEN JORGENSEN (St. Paul, Minn.) today claimed a slice of history in winning the 2014 ITU World Championship Grand Final in a trademark come from behind performance. Jorgensen moved into triathlon royalty securing an unprecedented five WTS wins this season, joining just Alistair Brownlee as the only other athlete to have won five titles in one season.
Jorgensen’s win today also secured her the overall ITU World Championship final winning in a time of two hours and 5 seconds, finishing 16 seconds ahead of New Zealand’s Andrea Hewitt (NZL). Hewitt’s second place secured her third in the overall standings. Nicky Samuels (NZL) finished a brilliant third in an event that saw some of the pre race contenders struggle.

“I don’t think it’s really sunk in at all, I just want to thank everyone that has helped me so much, Patrick, Jaime (Turner). Sarah Haskings was huge today. I’m really happy,” said Jorgensen.....

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More Than a Feeling...

jas-run.gifBy Jasmine Carlson

Minneapolis Duathlon Race Report - The question with these things is where to start?

Where does a race start? Is it during “off season” where you are logging all your base miles? Is it during that grueling track workout? Is it in the perfectly timed post-workout meal? Or is it on a chiropractors or massage therapists table? Then again maybe races start in your heart pumping enthusiasm for speed like blood through your veins.

The Minneapolis Duathlon started as the race I couldn’t get back to. After having raced and won the Minn Du in 2012 I was unable to return in ’13 due to an injury. I was looking forward to racing it again though I was hoping that the pavement was less pot-holed than I remembered. I’ll just spoil the surprise for you right now and tell you that the pavement was every bit as terrible as I remembered with the addition of some brand new chip seal at the turn around.

I spent the four days before the race with an off and on fever and a great set of hives sleeping only with the aid of benadryl hoping that I would be well enough to race, and at the same time freaking out about not being able to finish my week off strong. I knew I would have some strong competition compliments of Jenn Scudiero! ...

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Superior Stuff, Man...

boat-jumper.gifBy Warren Peece

SUPERIOR MAN III – Last season’s Superior Man won the “Race of the Year” award. Did this year’s event live up to that legacy?

It sure did. In our opinion, SM III was superior to SM II in almost every regard.

It helped that the weather was cooperative. Temps were 30+ degrees cooler than in 2013, and though it was windy and even rained intermittently, the participants didn’t complain. Most of them were too busy setting personal bests, albeit unofficial ones.

A significant portion of the field cheered when Race Co-Director Clint Agar announced that “a current thing” necessitated a .3 shortening of the swim course, though eventual runner-up Marcus Stromberg, who is totally anal when it comes to measuring training and racing distances, would insist later that the choppy yet fast (swimmers swam with the current much of the way) route was, according to his GPS, actually .37 short. Thus the total...

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