Race Coverage

Proud to be Part of it....

heather-food-tent.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

YWCA Women's Tri Race Report - Before leaving for Detroit I prepared as much as I could for the YWCA Women’s Tri, knowing I’d be on a tight time crunch when I arrived home Saturday night.  I setup my bike for racing and piled up whatever clothes and race gear that I could.  When I arrived home I was still running around like a maniac unpacking, repacking and of course eating.  While in spastic rush mode I dropped a bowl in my kitchen, disaster.  It shattered into about 1000 tiny pieces in the kitchen and into my porch.  After cleaning that up I was definitely ready for bed.

Typically I like to get to transition first thing when it opens, but getting to bed late I slept in a bit longer than usual.  Somehow I managed to still be the first...

person on my rack, but there were many other women already setting up.  The first of many nice things about this race is that they limit each rack to only have 7-8 athletes allowing each person ample space in transition.

After dropping my gear I went to check out how T1 and T2 would flow.  Next I took my bike out for a quick warm-up ride.  Something on my bike was sounding a bit off, I couldn’t put my finger on what was making the noise and it wasn’t consistent and wasn’t something I had heard before.  The noise seemed to go away so I wasn’t too worried.  I racked my bike and did a quick run warm-up and stretch.  By the time I got back it was time to clear transition, so I quickly did the final touches on my gear, grabbed my wetsuit and headed to the beach. READ MORE
