Race Coverage

Sister Sherpa...

By Maddie Nygaard (maddienygaard.weebly.com)
As many of you may know already, my brother, Corey Nygaard, is an insane triathlete. For those of you who don't know what a triathlon is, here it is: a triathlon is an individual sport where athletes compete in short, or long, races. These races consist of three sports into one: swimming, biking, and running. I never really was big on triathlons until my brother started to compete in them. And let me tell ya, it is absolutely amazing. In total, Corey has competed in 33 triathlons. Here is my story about my brother, and what he loves to do. 
This article on my brother has been long overdue, but I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Okay, here we go. Corey has only been into triathlons for 4 years, and his very first race was actually a duathlon, in Fergus Falls, MN. This race consisted of a 20 mile bike, then a 4 mile run, then a 7 mile bike to finish it off. I remember this race like it was yesterday. It was SO COLD and SO WINDY that day. Not great racing weather. With this being his first race, Corey was very unprepared. He had only his mountain bike, shorts and a rain jacket. I remember him telling us how hard it was, and that he never wants to do it again. Yeah, that wasn't the case. He ended up doing the duathlon again, and did improve, because he was more prepared. Now, after the duathlon, he found the Hoot Lake triathlon, which was also located in Fergus Falls. This race was known as a sprint triathlon. It consisted of a 450 meter swim, about a 17 mile bike, and a 5k run. I, myself, have experienced this race twice. Once when I was 16, and just this past ...

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Hodgy Podgy Stuff....



Fall in Minnesota, AKA off season. Plus some mini race recaps! 


By Julia Weisbecker (julia-gobiggreen.blogspot.com)


I had a dream last night that it snowed. So if i were to end this blog post in just a few sentences it would read " FALL in MN: we think every day over 60 is the last and we wait for snow. Goodbye." 


When in reality that isn't true its in the back of our heads.  


The leaves are at peak, a bit late, and its cold in the AM and recently gotten into the high 60's and lower 70's for about 1 hour 4-5pm:) I am not quite used to the 35 deg in the AM, but we always say that in a month or two you will wish it was that warm in the AM. So it goes. ..

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Time to Set Higher Goals...


ED. Maddy grew up in St. Cloud, and since leaving the state to attend Grinnell College she has developed into one of America's top amateur triathletes. Next year, she'll race as a professional.


By Maddy Pesch (peschmaddy.wordpress.com)


ROTTERDAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS RACE EPORT - I have been back from the Netherlands for a month now, and I’ve been busy reflecting on my experience there, planning for 2018, and settling into my new jobs working in the fitness and triathlon industries in Madison!

So many of my experiences this season were once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, but Rotterdam was the greatest of those. It is an incredible privilege to compete internationally, and I wanted to let every moment sink in and make the most of it. My trip would not have been possible without the support of all of my family and friends who believed in me and contributed to my Go Fund Me campaign to help me afford the trip.

My partner, Ben, traveled with me to the Netherlands. We began our trip with four nights in Amsterdam, visiting places such as the Anne Frank house, the Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gogh Museum in between my training sessions. We traveled to Rotterdam a few days before the race, and I continued my race prep by familiarizing myself with the course, despite...

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Ironman Closure...



By Angela Kidd (willtrainforcreamcheeseicing.blogspot.ca)


IRONMAN LOUISVILLE RACE REPORT - Many times on the run I had this thought: Ironman was breaking up with me and this time it was going to stick. I kept comparing Ironman to that boyfriend that keeps telling the girl that he doesn't love her and they break up and then he gets bored and feigns interest and they get back together because the girl just can't give up hope. Eventually friends and family stop supporting the girl because they see how destructive the cycle is and they don't want to be a part of it.This was my fifth attempt at Ironman and for the fifth time Ironman was telling me it didn't love me and this time the message was being delivered brutally enough that it is getting through to me.

It was the closure I needed to move on.

Leading up to the race I was physically pretty fit. I actually loved the training this summer because I got to spend a lot of time with Kelli and I joined a great masters group and was able to ride and run with friends frequently. I didn't race very often and that was because I didn't really want to. But at some point right after Chattanooga I was just over IM training. I didn't want to get up at a number that started with a 4 in front of it. I didn't want to jump in a cold pool. I didn't want to subject my crotch to more time on a bike seat. I still wanted to run but I wanted to run fresh and not ...

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Lemon Toast & Playing Yo-Yo...



By Joe Adrieans (triadrieans.com)


Maple Grove Olympic Triathlon was the first time I have ever raced a true Olympic distance triathlon.  I wasn't sure what to expect other than to just let it all hang out.  Absolute red line the entire day.  So that's what I did.

Lead Up
I had been building some really good bike and run fitness for Ironman 70.3 Worlds prior to this race, so I was feeling pretty good on that front.  The only issue was some nagging lower back pain from ramping up the bike volume after Chisago.  Thanks to Dana at Podium Sports and Dr. Michael at Premier Sports and Spine, I was able to tow the line!  Thank you both so much for keeping my body race ready!

The strategy was simple: swim my arms off, bike my legs off, and hang on for dear life on the run....

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It Took a Village...



By Nikki Dostert Sudberry (Facebook)


IRONMAN LOUISVILLE RACE REPORT - So I became an Ironman on Sunday evening:) I've put in almost a year of training and it paid off big time. I say that because I had a friggin blast! The last 6 miles of the run I knew I would come in under 13 hours and it kept me focused- other than that it was amazing; high hives, laughs, hugs, ass slaps and even dancing. It was a party. It was my reward for months of training.

This is my opportunity to thank those that helped me not only complete a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run- but to do it and train for it all while having the time of my life:)

First and foremost- my family and close friends. I made training my job and this training affected my time with you. Thank you for letting me put myself first.

My coach, Kris Swarthout from FinalK. My day would NOT have gone this smooth if you didn't push me for the last 10 months. From my first century ride with you and Mike Ladendorf to my first velodrome lesson and cyclocross race- you have pushed me to #bebetter which meant me taking 5th in my AG on the bike in my first Ironman. For so many reasons, Thank you.

Teresa Zimbric Briest- what can I say? I really couldn't swim before I met you. I remember coming out of a sprint triathlon at Waconia last year and Jerry MacNeil was announcing. I came out LAST out of the...

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