Race Coverage

Solo Dolo...


By Wade Cruser



That title is the same title of a Kid Cudi song from his Album “Man on the Moon: The End of Day”. Great album, top to bottom, give it a listen.  It also applies to my race at Cinco Du Mayo. From start to finish, just my shadow, myself and a head full of over-analyzing nonsense. 

For folks that don't know, Cinco is a very hilly 3/19.5/3 course. After the usual pre-race announcements, Judi got the 2018 Long course Cinco Du Mayo started right on time.  Unlike a triathlon, I get to wear running shoes and sprint to the front from the start (in a triathlon, I get to “sprint”, and watch the pack actually sprint away). For the first half mile or so, I heard foot steps behind me, and that is when it became solo dolo. At the turnaround of the 3 mile first run, I had about a minute gap.  They start the short course race 15 minutes after the long course. This year they started 15:30 after the long course, which meant I was running back into the park as the herd of short coursers were running out. Luckily the entrance/ exit road was coned off so I had plenty of room on the left to glide down the hill and take the right into transition just after the last short courser passed.  It’s always a little weird being the only person in transition.  I’m a pretty introverted dude, and not a huge fan of attention, but when I’m the only person in transition I can feel all the eyeballs on me as I try to buckle my helmet strap and pretend I’m not destroyed after running way too hard. ...

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Wade's Cruising And Madg's Magic...



CINCO DU MAYO DUATHLON - There were highlights aplenty at the 11th annual Cinco Du Mayo Duathlons last Saturday. Not all of those highlights, though, were performance-related. The venue, the racing conditions, the social atmosphere and opportunities, and, of course, the post race taco feast, all conspired to make the Cinco experience a truly special one....

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Scheel Crushes, Woolsey Three-peats...


ED. Rose Evavold's coverage of the last Saturday's Chain of Lakes Triathlon for Alexandria's Echo Press is terrific. Check it out:


By Rose Evavold (echopress.com)


Since that first one in 2002, Woolsey has returned to Alexandria each May to compete in the event, which serves as a kickoff to the triathlon season for many participants.

It was an important part of the competitive schedule for Branden Scheel of Fargo, who defended his men's title and in the process broke the record time for the 17th annual event.

"I felt a lot stronger this year," said Scheel, whose winning time in 2017 of 56:35 was within a minute and a half of the course record set in 2012 by Marcus Stromberg. Knowing that, he launched himself into an aggressive training schedule that he said included thousands of miles on a bike and a training trip to Arizona....

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"Today Was Supposed to be My Day"....


By Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)


Set backs

I hit a bump in the road or maybe I could say my train has completely left the tracks.  Temporarily. I need to hit the pause button on my training for a bit, but I’m not throwing in the towel.  We all have moments in our lives where something doesn’t go according to plan and we always have the option of giving up and giving in or we can make some adjustments and find another way.  I will find another way to get there, but I will not change my goal.

My Boston 2018

I took most of 2017 off to heal a labral tear and tears in both my hamstrings.  My left hamstring has been a problem since 2013 and I’ve rehabbed it and strengthened it, but I’ve never been able to fully not think about it while training....

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Hiccup City...



By Sara Carlson (sarastrilife.blogspot.com)


I didn't set a hard line in the sand for my race goals in the final weeks leading up to the Boston marathon. Especially after a few hiccups during my race build. I had to take three weeks off of training in February to recover from Influenza A and Pneumonia diagnoses simultaneously. I was so fatigued that just getting up to brush my teeth was enough to send me back to bed for a few hours to rest and recover. Everything was such a chore. I remember friends texting me and asking me how I was doing and feeling about my fitness with the race on the horizon. Honestly, I did not even care. It got me thinking so much about time and how I wanted to use my precious energy stores with the limited minutes of awake time I actually had. As I laid in bed with my eyes closed, I would not necessarily be sleeping, but certainly not able to do anything more strenuous like watch TV or read. That was too exhausting. It really got me thinking about what is important and how the short moments of awake time I did have would impact my family. ...

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Racing Notes From Last Weekend...



JOE ADRIAENS (photo L)- As usual at Texas Ironman, times were very fast, and Minnesota's runner-up for the Most Improved award in 2017, Joe Adriaens, was one of the fast guys. The 30-year-old from Elk River, now a member of Every Man Jack, arguably the most talent-rich national tri team, popped an 8:58:59 last weekend, which is almost twenty minutes better than his debut 9:18:04 at IM FLorida last Fall. Joe will blog about his experience soon, and MTN will repost.


VICKI OSTENDORF - Rocking an awesome Pink-like white mohawk, this 53-year-old fitness coach from St. Paul, crushed her divisional competition at the prestigious St. Anthony's Triathlon in St. Petersburg, Florida, last Sunday. We wish that she would race more often, as she certainly deserves to be mentioned alongside Cheryl Zitur, Julia Weisberger, Christel Kippenhan, Tracy Serreyn et al, who are recognized as our state's "Fast and Fabulous" 50+ women. That elite group will grow significantly this season as Jody Quesnell, Ann Snuggerud and Anne Grabowski have recently aged-up.


CHRISTINA ROBERTS - On a whim, which is not CR's typical style, Christina made a last second decision to fly to Bermuda last weekend to compete in the ITU World Triathlon, where she placed 8th among the amateur women. Next stop for her is Escape From Alcatraz. She rocked out there in 2014, finishing 6th female amateur and winning her AG against a stellar field....

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