Race Coverage

Getting the Party Started...



NEW BRI TRI - The air at Long Lake Regional Park yesterday was nippy, grey and fast-moving. But wind, colorlessness and chill were not the only things in the air.

There was also a grand sense of celebration, a true "Let's get this party started" vibe. That was because the park, for the 13th time, was hosting Minnesota's outdoor tri season opener, and the two-hundred and fifty-or-so New Bri Tri participants, and their sideline supporters as well, were ready to rock 'n roll.

And they did just that. Racers raced hard, and spectators spectated hard. Though the weather kinda sucked, everyone nevertheless made the most of it. And the result was a great morning, one filled with excitement and joy.

Though it may have been more joyful for JOSH MORK, who appeared to be en route to his third career multisport victory when he zigged. Unfortunately, he did so at a point where zigging or zagging was not called for, going straight ahead was. Shortly after he got back on course, he was overtaken by DAVID KOPPEL and 2017 Junior of the Year runner-up GARRETT WELSCH, now 20.

What resulted was a three man sprint to the finish, with Koppel crossing first, and Welsch second. Due to the time trial swim start, however, Welsch was the official winner with a 38-second margin over Koppel, who has podiumed in his first two starts this season. Mork crossed next, the results showing that he was only two seconds out of the silver medal postion.

Despite his mishap, Mork came away from the experience knowing that he raced hard, and well enough to win....

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"I am not good at quitting"....



By Erin Ladendorf (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)


When I woke up last Saturday morning, I was the normal mix of both excitement and nerves. I had been counting the days down to the first race of my season, and on the morning of May 26th it was finally upon me. 

I had dialed the taper week in, and did everything I normally do leading up to a race. 

But with my focus being short course and speed this year, I was finding that my body was reacting in ways I hadn’t felt before. When I did my pre race run Friday, I felt a pain in my ankle that I hadn’t noticed before. I shook it off as a pre race phantom injury and nothing more. 

When I got to the race site Saturday morning, I felt great. I got warmed up and meandered up to the start line. I had some really awesome ladies toeing the line with me, so I was beyond stoked to get out there and race.

The countdown started, and as the group shuffled forward, I was out of the gate like a bat out of hell. I was determined to win overall AG today and my run was where I was going to achieve that. ...

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My Cool Guy vs. My Smart Guy...



By Ted Treise


APPLE DUATHLON RACE REPORT - Finally, after 6 months of being on the trainer listening to Macklemore’s Album ‘The Heist’ hundreds of times, creating a new food group entitled ‘Peanut Butter N’ Things’, early mornings of jumping into the pool, and late nights on the foam roller, massaging out the latest and greatest ache; it’s racing season! I could not be more exited and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world other than right here in Minnesota with family and friends. There is something special about being able to race local. The whole crew can be a part of the adventure, travel is minimized, and the participants are usually those who you’ve seen and read about before many times (thanks to MTN). All these ingredients came together for the 2018 Apple Duathlon. It’s a race right in the back yard of Minneapolis creating the perfect start to any multisport season.

Last year was my first trip to the Apple Duathlon. The main takeaway was it is impossible for another race like this to exist showcasing polar opposites of the calm, good times only, atmosphere vs. the sheer speed and world class athletes Apple attracts. This year was no different. MN Tri news posted a race preview on the who’s who of the race stating many national and world titles listed for each of the heavy hitters. I think this goes to show what happens when you throw a $1,800 prize purse into a pack of hyenas...

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Apple Awesome!...


APPLE DUATHLON - It wasn't just warm. It was hot. And there wasn't a cloud in sight. Many, if not most, of the Apple participants would shift from racing mode to survival mode by the time they reached T2, if not earlier.

Some, however, were able to stay in race mode the whole way, most notably JESSON BAUMGARTNER, the 36-year-old physician from Rochester by way of Cedar City, Utah, and TODD BUCKINGHAM, 29, from Big Rapids, Michigan.

Baumgartner managed to stay aggressive thoughout, just as he had at Falls Du, where he decimated the men's course record. The former Southern Utah State University runner led the deep men's field through the opening 5K in 15:34. Then he crushed the 33K bike, landing him in T2 thirty-nine ticks in front of 2017 champ WADE CRUSER, who knew he was racing for 2nd place, and even that it wasn't going to be easy. In pursuit was Buckingham, a two-time USAT National Champion, who possesses great running creds.

Down by 46 ticks when he left transition, TB had to a choice to make. He could settle into a semi-comfortable pace and hold off former Apple champ PATRICK PARISH for the bronze medal position. Or he  could charge on at full effort and hope that Cruser would come back to him.

If Cruser succumbed to the heat, and Buckingham did not, Todd could come out on top in this battle...

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Apple Preview Part II...


APPLE PREVIEW II - As ever, and as promised on Tuesday, we are posting a breakdown of Apple XXXVI's deep field. Well, it's not as deep on the women's side as it has been in years' past, but those who are currently enrolled are past Apple champions.

At least five guys have a legit shot at winning Saturday's duathlon, including a couple of past winners. Does this mean that, weather permitting, Matt Payne's amateur record, his 1:20:45 set in 2015, will be threatened this weekend?

Yes. Heck, DKT's pro record --1:19:57--might not be safe.

Here are the five guys, with mention of a few other challengers, men that can push the leaders to fast time, and maybe even claim a podium spot for themselves:

- TODD BUCKINGHAM, 29, Big Rapids, MI (photo)  - This guy is the real deal, someone with a pro future. He is the reigning Draft Legal Sprint Du National Champ, who also placed 3rd at Standard (non-drafting) Nationals on the same weekend. Todd was the surprise winner at Tri Nationals in the Omaha heat in 2016. And he's a member of Everyman Jack, the elitest of the elite national tri teams....

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Lucky Charms, Pee Face & Creepy Doll...


By Nikki Dostert Sudberry


OAKDALE DUATHLON RACE REPORT - If you’re offended by swearing; don’t read this.  That’s the beauty of reading this one.  You get a choice!!

Its 6:35am and I already know that today is going to be a great race.  How do I know? I just gobbled up an entire bowl of Lucky Charms and washed it down with orange juice.  This is my pre race fuel whether I’m competing in a local 5k or an Ironman. I also know I’m winning because while my kids sleep I took the last bit of that stale, marshmallowy goodness. I know, I’m an asshole. Don’t worry you’re not the only one who thinks that.  Plus, the early bird gets the worm, right?  Don’t worry I left Cherrios for them.

With my bike and transition bag in tow I make my way to Oakdale Minnesota to race in the  Oakdale Spring Classic duathlon.  I’ve done this race many times but for the last 2 years I have managed to walk away with a first place AG award. It would be nice to make it 3 years but I guess we will see.

I get to the venue and my best bud Marc is already there in standard early fashion as he is usually the first to appear at these races. We set up our transition areas, take our bikes for a spin and talk about other upcoming races with other athletes. I look around; the women here look fast. Really fast. And we all know what fast women look like.  They wear the Gear West kit.

Everyone lines up for the mass start.  My favorite part of the race.  Everyone’s “omg I’m so caffeinated” pee face is on.  (It’s not a race face, its a nervous pee face.)  Star Spangled Banner is sung perfectly and we are off!  And the sea of red and black fast kits start to...

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