Race Coverage

Ciavarella and Randolph Win Again...


YWCA INDOOR TRIATHLON #2 - Like the first race in this four-event series, last weekend's YWCA Indoor Tri was well attended (91 finishers), though the female/male ratio is still in a bit out-of-whack. In January, women outnumbered men 70 - 23. Last Sunday, that ratio was basically identical (70 - 21).

We'd love to see more guys at these cool events.

Let's talk about the "Long" event first. A pair of transplanted New York staters took the Top 2 spots, with a local woman returing to the podium....

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Bontrager and Kent....


TRI U MAH – A record (we think?) 213 athletes completed the 90-minute Tri U Mah, which celebrated it's 16th anniversary on February 8-9....

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Another Worlds Medal For Sheri!


ASIAGO, Italy — Amateur athlete Sheri Schrock raced her way to a top result for Team USA on Sunday with a bronze medal in her age group at the 2020 ITU Winter Triathlon World Championships. Schrock was joined by eight other athletes who represented Team USA, four of them also earning top-10 finishes....

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Clear Instruction, Encouraging Words, Constant Cheers....


The 2020 Indoor Triathlon season is underway. A pair of Life Time Fitness events were contested on January 5. Individual race results aren't posted online, so we are contacting the race directors. Hopefully, they will share the results with us, so we can share them with you.

The first of four YWCA Indoor Triathlons happened last weekend (January 19) and results are available. A link will be included at the end of this post....

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Acari Bowls, Manta Rays and Handfuls of Vaseline....


By David Koppel(davidkoppeltriathlon.blogspot.com)

Kelsie and I traveled to the IRONMAN World Championships on the Big Island of Hawaii on Tuesday, October 8th, 2019, with no kids! The race was on Saturday, so it gave me three full days to get all ready and acclimate a bit with the heat I’d be racing in. We also enjoyed some touristy stuff in the days leading up, as I didn’t want to make every single minute about my race. Kelsie sacrificed plenty for me to be able to qualify for Kona and we both wanted to have a relaxing trip in paradise. If you want to just hear about the vacation, read the days leading up to the race and the days following!

The cliff notes version of the race is: Swim went as expected even with choppy conditions, bike was slow and legs were not feeling strong, and run was a mess for 2 hours until I pulled it together a bit for the last 14 miles. Slowest and hardest Ironman by 70 minutes, but an amazing experience that I’ll never forget.

Since this is a long post, I’ll start by thanking my wife, Kelsie, for her unconditional support with training and racing across the US. She didn’t hesitate when we found out I had a slot to Kona and said I had to take it! My in-laws were also...

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"Life Outside Triathlon Exists..."


By Erin Weiler (sweetsweatlife.com)

TCM Race Report - Racing’s taken a backseat this year – more on the season of travel and fun later – but I knew I had to do something. So after my hammie (mostly) healed and I was home long enough to string together some consistent weeks of training, I signed up for my second ever 26.2: Twin Cities Marathon.

Not gonna lie, it was weird dialing back the swim and bike volume and keeping the run volume the same as an ironman build. And there was fomo as Nick hopped on his bike for seven-hour Sundays. But like anything, I adjusted and found the time back in my week pretty fantastic. Life outside of triathlon exists, and it’s been pretty fun to find it again (don’t worry, I still love triathlon! It’s just been refreshing to step back for a bit).

Anyway, my build was a bit shorter than coach and I would have liked – my longest run was 17 miles – but unlike the past couple years of training, I thoroughly enjoyed almost every training mile. Sure, there were weeks I didn’t wanna run...

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