Race Coverage

Ciavarella and Randolph Win Again...


YWCA INDOOR TRIATHLON #2 - Like the first race in this four-event series, last weekend's YWCA Indoor Tri was well attended (91 finishers), though the female/male ratio is still in a bit out-of-whack. In January, women outnumbered men 70 - 23. Last Sunday, that ratio was basically identical (70 - 21).

We'd love to see more guys at these cool events.

Let's talk about the "Long" event first. A pair of transplanted New York staters took the Top 2 spots, with a local woman returing to the podium....

UM swimmer NICOLE CIARVARELLA crushed the entire field in the swim, then out-bike-trainered her gender in similar fashion. She then outsplit her January 5K performance by more than two minutes. The result was her second consecutive YWCA Indoor victory, and a 2:48 lowering of her personal best here.


Even more impressive is the fact that her margin of victory over veteran triathlete / distance runner JENNIFER MARTONE was a full five-minutes.

Ciavarella, 22, is an engineer. Martone, 48, studied French and Economics a picturesque Dennison University in Ohio, and has served as a Senior Advertising Representative at Mpls. St. Paul Magazine for many years. "Juno" and Silver Linings Playbook" are two of her favorite movies, proving that she has excellent cinematic taste. She has a Netflix subscription and has shamelessly binge-watched "Ozark" and "Stranger Things." (Who hasn't?)

Taking the bronze medal was LAURA JOHNSON, 28. Laura's 55:45 was 35-seconds quicker than her silver medal earning time here in January.

Ciavarella was not the only repeat champion last weekend. KAITLIN RANDOLPH, 29, continues to dominate the YW's sprint race. Winner in January and three of the 2019 races, Randolph's W on Sunday was 39-seconds faster than last time. The Carleton grad adores children and animals and has a cool job: Design and Digital Manager at the Children's Theatre Company.

Her podium-mates were ANNA KLINE and JACQUELINE BORELLI.

The Mini tri was won by HANNA KAPLAN-HARTAUB, who had placed 4th here in January. Hannah's 34:27 was 1:25 better than last time. RESULTS


ED. Next post: Jennifer Martone's YWCA Indoor Tri race report. It's good stuff!
