Race Coverage

A Lucky Mistake....

lakeED. We spoke with Kevin O'Connor of Gear West Bike & Triathlon on the phone on Monday. We discussed Dan Arlandson's record-setting performance at Vineman and how goshdarn cool the town of Waseca is. We asked Kevin to comment on his experience in that wonderful community last Sunday. He sent us these words:

by Kevin O'Connor

Nice talking to you this morning. Quite impressive what Dan Arlandson did down at Vineman. It was 20 years ago I did Vineman as my first Irondistance race. It was just my second tri but I was only 20 yrs of age so I didn't know any better. There was no such thing as a tri shop and with no email or internet I didn't have anyone telling me I was stupid to do it....

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Game On...

emmureBy Matthew Payne (from Matthew-Payne.Blogspot.com)

I've wanted to race the Waseca 1/3-Iron since it's inception, but have never been able to work it into my schedule. June and July are usually so race-heavy that I need a bit of a mid-season break just for self-preservation. That break typically falls right around the last week of July/first week of August. This year, however, my mid-season hiatus was pushed back to early July due to the birth of my son, so instead of being all worn out and dead feeling, I've been chomping at the bit waiting to get out and race. So late last week I decided I'd finally make the trek down to Waseca and try my hand at the somewhat bizarre 1/3-Iron distance.

The Pre-Race Jams

A 7:30AM race start, ~90 minute drive, and the desire to get there a bit earlier than usual because I hadn't pre-registered adds up to a pretty damn early wake up call. For some...

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Not Quite Race Coverage...

swimBy Horace Sezbutt

Almost Race Coverage - The race announcer was totally bummed.

He backed his loaded van out of the garage of his chronically unfixed fixer-upper at precisely 3 AM on Saturday. He was anxious to hit the road. The next four hours were to be spent talking to himself, something he calls rehearsing, and drinking Diet Vernors. He figured he'd arrive at the race venue in Walker between seven and seven-thirty.

The thumping he heard when he turned from his driveway onto McKnight Road was unmis-farging-takable....

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Arlandson Goes 9:04!...


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Weekend Race Briefs...UPDATED..

wasecalogoWILTING IN WASECA - In heat and humidity reminiscent of the conditions endured at Heart of the Lakes two weekends ago, Matt Payne, Claire Bootsma and Charlie Roach somehow managed to rewrite records at the 3rd annual Waseca 1/3 IM & Sprint this morning. Payne's victorious 2:37:29 knocked

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Birth of a Classic...

swim(All great photos displayed herein were provided by photo paragons, Paul Phillips and gimpy Kerry Yndestad)

TwinCities Tri Coverage - Paul's and Kerry's photos are stunning. Not just visually arresting, but transportative, as well! Okay, transportative is not a real word, but you know what we're going for here. We're sure that if 30 Rock's Tina Fey were shown those digital photo albums, she doubtlessly would have wanted, as we totally did, to "go to there."

PLEASE check out at the photos on OptumHealth Performance's and TCTri Director Kris Swarthout's Facebook pages (Paul's competitiveimage.us SHOTS and Kerry's YndeCam.com PICS) and let us know if you, like us, were sorry you weren't at this Instant Classic event last Sunday. Reading the FB comments will only intensify the pangs.

Coach Kris was positively giddy after the event. Though his babbling was unintelligible, obviously adulterated by endorphins and 151-Mojitos, his drift was clear. The future of the TwinCities Triathlon is supernova-ishly bright. What 300-or-so athletes enjoyed a few days ago, many thousands will enjoy the years to come. A four-figure field should be expected in 2012. By 2013, triathletes from all over the country will be clamoring to get in....

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