Race Coverage

Game On...

emmureBy Matthew Payne (from Matthew-Payne.Blogspot.com)

I've wanted to race the Waseca 1/3-Iron since it's inception, but have never been able to work it into my schedule. June and July are usually so race-heavy that I need a bit of a mid-season break just for self-preservation. That break typically falls right around the last week of July/first week of August. This year, however, my mid-season hiatus was pushed back to early July due to the birth of my son, so instead of being all worn out and dead feeling, I've been chomping at the bit waiting to get out and race. So late last week I decided I'd finally make the trek down to Waseca and try my hand at the somewhat bizarre 1/3-Iron distance.

The Pre-Race Jams

A 7:30AM race start, ~90 minute drive, and the desire to get there a bit earlier than usual because I hadn't pre-registered adds up to a pretty damn early wake up call. For some...

reason I had even more trouble waking up on Sunday than usual. I was stumbling around my house like I was drunk and it seemed like loading the car took twice as long as usual.
