Race Coverage

The Groundhog Day Effect...

regina(SkinnySki.com photo - Falls Du women's winner Regina Hornk. Or is it Horak?)

By Mario Minelli

FALLS DUATHLON Coverage - Those who were returning to this race from last year probably woke up Saturday morning wondering if a year had really gone by or was this the 2011 Falls Duathlon; was this last year just a dream. Call it d

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Racing For Steak & Loyalty Rewards....

SteakTAKE THE HILL TRIATHLON Coverage - Paul Mollett's post race celebrations typically feature a thick, rare steak and 8-10 Mickey's Big Mouths. Interestingly, this behavior is not restricted to just his satisfying performances. He celebrates all of his racing efforts, the good, the bad and the unattractive, in this carnivo-alcoholic way. Paul believes that racing is in-and-of-itself a "good thing," even when one's performances suck.

Last Saturday at the Take the Hill Triathlon in soggy, chilly St. Peter, Paul recorded his first career multisport victory, a hard-fought, totally non-sucky result that placed him only nine seconds in front of runner-up Ryan Welle. Exuberant, though he is rarely not exuberant, Paul drove back to Chaska immediately after the race with images of scorched bovine flesh and hops and grain playing on all the screens in his

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Jenny is a Very, Very Good Triathlete...

jenny(Photo - Jenny, who is fond of chardonnay, and her fiance', Robert, who prefers champagne, at their engagement party.)

Jenny Shaughnessy is so darn good!

How good, you inquire? Last Saturday the 2010 Minnesota Rookie of the Year placed 2nd overall at the Collegiate National Championships in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Winner of the Grad title, Shaughnessy, who is engaged and likes frozen yogurt a lot, strung together impressive splits over a challenging course (2nd fastest swim - 19:37, 4th fastest bike - 1:07:52, 18th fastest run - 40:47: 2:11:48) and finished ahead of a Who's Who of wicked-fast tri girls. The girl who came out on top, however, was able to do so thanks to a smokin' 35:42 run split. Sick! Her name is Marissa Ferrante, she's only 20-years-old and, SURPRISE, she's a track and cross country star at Stanford University. She has yet to declare a major, but is leaning towards archeology. Like Jenny, Marissa loves yogurt, though she prefers the non-frozen stuff.

Ferrante is the real deal, folks. She totally reminds us of 2009 National AG Champion, Kaitlin Shiver. Shiver is now a successful pro. We expect that Marissa will be one, too. ....(More on page 2)

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Seeing What This Thing is All About...

christinaPhoto - Life Time-Fridley Indoor champ, Christina Meier.

By Lisa Wacek

Race Coverage & Stuff - Last Sunday, I went to the Lifetime Indoor Triathlon in Fridley to cheer on some friends who were racing. I wanted to see what this indoor tri thing was all about and show some support for my friends Christina Meier, Scott Koke, Chad Motzko and Lisa Brown who were all competing. I used the terms racing and competing because that is what it was! It was fun to watch everyone push themselves including a lot of first timers who wanted to see what this tri thing was all about. Or the others who have past tri experience and were motivated to test their fitness before the season officially starts. There was a lot of huffing, puffing and sweating going down that morning at Lifetime. Pools of sweat accumulated under the spin bikes and all over the treadmills. It was fun to watch and I was thankful I didn't get talked into signing up. I have a bad habit of getting talked into races.... see below paragraph for reference. The thought of running hard on the treadmill with nothing to listen to but the sound of your breathing for 20 minutes didn't look to be fun. I was just there to provide water, gels and cheer them on. I was happy to see my friends doing so well and the sense of accomplishment the first timers felt when they finished the run. Christina who has been working hard this off...

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Cool Stuff About Patrick & Matthew...

matt and pat(Photo - Matt and Patrick being buds.)

Newsy Notesy Stuff - On Wednesday MTN asked Patrick Parish to comment on his participation in next weekend's USAT Duathlon National Championships. We received these words via email yesterday:

I typically enter a couple duathlons as dress rehearsal for triathlon season. This year, my plans are only slightly different. I signed up for Duathlon Nationals on a whim after a couple races with the Run N Fun guys this Spring went better than expected and rekindled my love for racing. With great events and competition in the Twin Cities area, the travel is hard to justify, so I'm chalking it off as an impulse buy. My rationalization is that since I'm likely to face up to four nationally-recognized duathletes in any Minnesota race, an extra practice session might help before hitting the local circuit. I'll have one of my TCMC teammates as a travel companion, so the pace will be honest and good times shall be had throughout my first trip to Arizona.

Thanks for your support!


P.S. It would behoove you to double-check the registration list. I believe there's an entrant in the the thirty-something mutant ninja turtle category that deserves some MN Tri News lovin'....

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Where Cool Dudes and Dudettes Hang Out...

couple(Photo - Insanely attractive tri couple, Brian Zeuli and Bria Kirkpatrick.)

OHP Indoor Tri #3 Coverage - Jeff Hunsaker is a tri newby who is a totally nice guy with a great sense of humor and wears designer eyeglasses. Last Saturday evening he quaffed several pints of Stone IPA and ate more than half of an extra large BBQ chicken pizza. On Sunday morning the groggy and cotton-mouthed Hunsaker drove to OptumHealth Performance's training center in Eden Prairie, where he participated in his first indoor triathlon, a feat he finished, though not without a preponderance of backstroking. After the event he drove home and, too ravenous to wait for his oven to heat up, nuked the remainder of yesterday's pizza, which he consumed while listening to "Infinite" by Eminem.

Jeff plans to make his outdoor swim-bike-run debut at the inaugural Blaine Triathlon on May 19....

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