Race Coverage

Ruthie's Epic Effort...

ruthie(Photo - Ruth Brennan Morrey - Alone and in a class by herself.)

Race Coverage - The 5th annual Cinco du Mayo Long Course Duathlon, contested at Square Lake last Saturday morning, featured record attendance (300ish total entrants in both events, including the requisite no-shows / 251 finishers), a Shaq-tall guy in a sombrero, Casa Lupita tacos, Margarita glasses as awards and brilliant performances.

An oatmeal ceiling of clouds, light to moderate breeziness and 50-degree temps greeted the athletes, as did the aforementioned tall guy in the ridiculous, albeit ridiculously cool, hat. The guy was co-race-director Jason Goepfert, a terminally likable chap. His lovely, smiley wife, Lisa, was also clad in a sombrero and, like Jason, wore a sinister-looking bandito mustache, which was fake, of course. All that was missing, and perhaps this can be added in 2013, were ...

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Burgers & Bomb Scares....

startED. We love the way Matt Payne thinks. And we love the way he writes and are trying to talk him into becoming a quasi-regular contributor to MTN. You'll see why when you read his terrific Du Nationals race report. It's a total hoot!

By Matt Payne (Purloined with permission from matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Still Alive

Wow... it's been a solid six months since I've updated my craptacular blog. I'm sure my one or two loyal readers (hi mom!) are very disappointed. Truth is I've been on my grind. If I want to get any training done these days it has to happen in the early morning, so setting the alarm for 5AM has become completely standard. Between work, training, and trying to keep my kid alive and my wife sane there isn't room for much else. My master plan of regularly posting original content in order to build up a loyal following who I can then proceed to spam with...

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Weekend Newsy Notesy Stuff...

dogChain of Lakes Triathlon - Marcus Stomberg dominated the men's race this morning, his 55:12 just one second off Sam Janicki's 2010 course best. Angie "Hopper" Hop took the women's title in a personal best 1:04:43. Hopper's race story will appear on MTN on Tuesday. RESULTS

UPDATE: COLT's course record holder is actually Matt Payne, who popped a 53:44 in 2009. Sam and Marcus are 2-3 on the race's all-time fastest dudes list. We thank Brad "The Gherkin" Pickle for setting us straight.

Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon - Tri Rochester's Ruth Brennan Morrey and Erich Heneke, who has a totally cute beagle puppie named Allie (photo L), torched some course records at Square Lake this morning. Dan Arlandson collected his 10th career multisport victory. Story and photos will post on Tuesday. RESULTS...

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Todd's Return...

toddBy Todd Firebaugh

I signed up for the du nationals in large part due to friendships that my wife Daisy and I forged with the Vargas

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Silly Mistakes & Bad Mojo...

tent(Photo - Claire napping in her deluxe oceanfront accommodations.)

By Claire Bootsma

St. Anthony's Race Report - Heading out to St. Petersburg FL (St. Anthony's Triathlon) this past weekend I had some basic goals I was confident I would achieve (qualifying for Hy-Vee with comp entry by placing top 5) and some personal race goals which involved putting myself out there in the race and trying to do something really fast with a stellar field of women to race with. Unfortunately I failed on all fronts due to a mixture of a little bad luck and a huge silly mistake.

Race morning woke up early, ate my standard pre race breakfast and drank a small cup of coffee and headed down to race site. Once I started setting up in transition I realized I had forgotten to pack an extra bottle of water to drink before the race and only had my bike bottle of Accelerade which I wanted...

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Smilin' Dan's Excellent Race...


Fantastic photo by Paul Phillips / CompetitiveImage.us *

Race Coverage - St. Anthony

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