Race Coverage

Channeling Kristin Wiig...

juliaIronman Wisconsin Race Report: 26.2 Friends

By Julia Weisbecker (http://julia-gobiggreen.blogspot.com/)

Before I get to any race report I have to give myself a huge fashion high five ( HFHF) for putting together a functional yet cool outfit in a chilly morning race. Thanks to Angela for the socks. Everyone now run to Target and get a pair of your own. Ok on to the race.

It's no surprise this Ironman was a bit different than last year. For obvious reasons i struggled this year. The physical struggle of basically dropping out of racing in early june to rest and fix a hamstring tendonopathy was a huge decision, the right one, but very tough for me. I wish i could have St. Croix 70.3 back ( without the rain but with lance!) and with a healthy body. So putting all my eggs in one basket was tough. The IM basket. I was right on pace with riding and swimming all summer. Running took another hit ( literally) when after Firehouse 50 i played Humpty Dumpty and fell over at the finish...

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Cryptozoological Matt-aphor...


By Matthew Payne

AG NATIONALS RACE REPORT - Did you know Lake Champlain has a legit lake monster? Yep, sure does. His name is Champ. And he has his own Wikipedia page, several fan sites and is the mascot of my new 2nd favorite minor league baseball team. My favorite minor league baseball team would naturally be the Beloit Snappers. I judge minor league baseball teams purely on the awesomeness of their mascot.

Anyway, I recently headed out to Vermont to search for lake monsters race USAT Age Group Nationals. Since my aunt, uncle and grandmother live in New Hampshire just a couple hours south of Burlington, Tiff and Michael came along as well. Speaking of Mikey, he's a full on walker now...

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Fall Classic Du Stuff...

smile girlFALL CLASSIC DUATHLON VI - In our flawed opinion, there isn't a better duathlon venue in our region than the one used for the Oakdale and Fall Classic Dus, events that sorta bookend Minnesota's multisport season. Oakdale pulls bigger numbers, of course. In May, athletes are itching to get their season's started. Coming after a significant percentage of our state's racing community have paid their last entry fee for the year, Fall Classic traditionally lures 150-200 entrants, a third of Oakdale's usual sign-up.

We've glanced at Saturday's start list and are ready to make some inane predictions.

- At 6'5", Gregg Garretson will be the 2nd tallest finisher.

- Mike Colaizy will be the fastest over-60 guy.

- Jim McDonnell will win the 55-59 AG....

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Uncluttered By Facts...

legs(Photo - Angie Schmidt's legs. Ang loves her designer M-Dot flip flops.)

By Al Bumin

Square Lake Halfish IM - We told a guy that we would post a story about the Square Lake Long Course race on Tuesday. Today, to you. But it's Monday afternoon, yesterday to you, and results have not been posted.

We don't know what happened on Sunday, but we promised the guy we would write something. Besides, when has not having correct information ever stopped us before? This will not be a lengthy post. It

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25% More Than 50% Right....

ddheather(Cool Photos -Square Lake Short Course champs Dennis Dane and Heather Lendway. Pics courtesy of Drewey Frakes and Kerry Yndedstad.)

Square Lake Short Course - The sagely Yogi Berra said that 50% of baseball is 90% mental. Gee, who can argue with that? We predicted that Jeff Grebner and luminous-futured rookie Heather Lendway would win yesterday, and using Berra-ian logic, it turns out that we were 25% more than half right.


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The Race of Her Life!

michelleSHE DID IT! East Gull Lake's Michelle Andres just set an amateur course record at Ironman Wisconsin! Her time was 10:05:30, an eight minute improvement, we believe (we'll check ASAP!), on the prior CR and a whopping 58-minute bettering of her former PR, set on this course in 2008. We could not be happier for you, Michelle! More words and photos to come!

Suzie Fox lost her IM virginity in a magnificently impressive way. Her time was brilliant, a 10:38:43, which placed her 1st in the 25-29W AG, 14th woman overall / 6th amateur. Kona 2013! How cool is that!

Kortney Haag's intro to IMing produced a 10:49:46, which landed her in 6th place in the 30-34W division. Way to rock, Kort!


* Heidi Keller-Miler - 11:03:42 (1st IM!) - 3rd 45-49W

* Leah Prudhomme - 11:06:25 - PR - 8th 30-34W...

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