Race Coverage

Cool Stuff About Patrick Parish...

super frogOn September 29, 2010 Minnesota Triathlete of the Year Patrick Parish competed in his first F1 style triathlon. It was called the Super Frog Triathlon, obviously named after the beloved amphibious superhero, and we don't know the exact format. The experience was educational, and PP freely admits that he got totally smoked.

The next day, though, Parish did the Super Frog Half IM, his 70.3 debut, and this time he was the one who smoked the competition. Racing in the Elite Wave, Patrick finished 4th overall and was the first male finisher who didn't actually hold a pro license. You may have heard of the trio of ....

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Being Stubborn as......

photoTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 - suz-news.blogspot.com

Life Is What Happens To You While You're Busy Making Other Plans

By Suzie Fox

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - I spent the majority of 2012 training and racing short course tris and dus and realizing how much I love short all out red line racing. Several people have suggested that I step away from triathlon and explore the steps to try to get into pro cycling and I was dreaming about duathlon nationals and have been curious where triathlon age group nationals would relocate, many short course only plans for 2013 formed in my head throughout the entire season....

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Brian's Epic Weekend....

bend climbLeadman Tri Life Time EPIC 250/125, Bend Oregon

By Brian Holthus

EPIC can barely describe my experience at the Inaugural Life Time Fitness Leadman EPIC 250 race in Bend, Oregon. If you

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Gambling Bigtime in Vegas...

guyPR or ER (aka 70.3 World Championship Epic Fail Report)

By Matthew Payne

This got really long. Here's the Cliff's Notes version for people who either don't have the time to read the next several thousand words or who just don't like me that much (both completely understandable):

* Go to Vegas for 70.3 Worlds

* Gamble a bit and play a ton of pinball in the days before the race

* Race day: Swim well, bike OK, attempt to suicide myself on the run

* DNF to med tent, ambulance ride to ER, overnight hospital stay

* Doctors run some tests, tell me I may have a serious heart condition...

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An Act of Contrition....

heatherBy Hank O'Hare

Stuff About One Last Tri - MTN already posted partial results for One Last Tri, which took place back on September 16. The event endured a major timing snafu, for which the service provider later explained his situation and apologized profusely for the problems, and though results have finally been generated, it's still not clear whether they are trustworthy.

While race organizers are totally bummed, fearing that many of their participants left the event with frowny faces and negative reviews, the actual vibe at the event wasn't an unhappy one. Quite the opposite. It appeared that most of the entrants enjoyed the experience and and understood that, "these things happen occasionally."...

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Royal Treatment, Sinn-ing in Pine Island & Ruther Rocks Provence...

batgirlsIRON GIRL - BLOOMINGTON VIII - The 8th annual Iron Girl Du, where all participants are treated like royalty, happened last Sunday at Normandale Lake Park. Dedicated duathlete Jennifer Scudiero of Eagan capped her awesome podium-filled 2012 season with her awesomest effort yet, a convincing victory that is her second career W. She also won this year's Dubuque Du.

Second place went to Lakeville's Joyce Bourassa, whose '12 resume also features a pair of wins--Lakefront Days and Lake Marion Sprint. Joyce and her much taller friend sometimes dresses up in leather Batman outfits (photo), which is kinda...

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