Race Coverage

Kamikaze Kitty Cats & Unflat Iowa Topography...


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Saturday Tri Results...

10th CHASKA TRI - UM's soccer captain rocks her tri debut, crushing a nine-year-old course record. Her name is Olivia Bagnall (photo L).

Kyle Serreyn repeated as men's champ. He torched the men's CR. Leslie Englert and Carol Markham Cousins lowered AG marks. Coverage posts on Monday.

Making Sara Drop The F-Bomb...


By Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.blogspot.com) - Monday, July 15, 2013

Heavy Rains/Foot Balance/Doubling Down in Wisconsin

This weekend was chock full of action. I know that some people aren't big into reading anything longer than bullet points. (I learned that while working corporate) So there is an executive summary for anyone who doesn't want to get into the details. Yes, a video recap would be more engaging, but the technology isn't quite there yet. Someday.

The Executive Summary:

* There was a monsoon Saturday morning, parts of the bike route flooded.

* Sara McLarty and I rode into each other but neither of us crashed.

* I smashed up my left foot and balanced out my foot injuries for the season.

* My dad was in town for the day and we had lunch after the race (Photo L - Dan & Dad)....

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Location, Location, Location...

mugGraniteman Coverage - The original Graniteman Triathlon was staged in the town of Rockville south of St. Cloud. It had a five-year history at that venue before relocating to its present site near Clearwater.

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Faith Rewarded...

rainLife Time - Minneapolis Tri - It was more a matter of faith than just patience.

Apocalyptic rains, lightning and wake-the-dead thunder had the 12th annual Life Time - Minneapolis' Triathlon's entrants scurrying for cover. Many of them waited out the storm in their cars. Others went home. Everyone, the stayers and the goers, knew that course flooding would necessitate a "Plan B." The 1800--or-so stayers had faith that event management would figure something out; that the race would go on. More than that, those people believed that the producers of this

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Brendon & Suzy Have a "Thing" Going On...

leanne leapAwesome Matt Fulton (minnefotamoments.com) Photo - The "Leanne Leap"!

Timberman Coverage - Brendon O'Flanagan and Suzy Fox are obscenely attractive people. And we're not just talkin' looks here. Those guys--androgynous usage--are as nice and as cool as they are physically perfect. (Photo on P. 2)

In case you didn't know, Brendon and Suzy are doing that Boyfriend/Girlfriend thing. Can you imagine what would happen if their relationship devolves into marriage? Their children would be above-average in every way.

Their kids, which would probably have cute names like Chip and Sophie, would be doomed to becoming awesome triathletes. Maybe even awesomer than their parents, whose last demonstration of their respective awesomeness took place at the 29th Timberman Olympic-ish Triathlon (approximate distances: 1200m - 25ish miles - 6 miles) last Saturday. In that annual classic Suzy dominated the women's race, winning by a margin of nearly five minutes. The W was her fourth of the season and 15th of her stellar career....

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