What If...

smith bros(Image L - These are NOT the Smith Brothers who are discussed in this post.)

Imagine how tough it would be to land a spot on Team Minnesota if elite athletes never moved; or sustained retirement-inducing injuries or had babies; or turned in their bikes for Bud Light and golf clubs; stuff like that.

Imagine, for instance, that two-time Triathlete of the Year Wendy Peterson was still racing; and that Sam Hauck and 2007 Duathlon World Champion Sarah Kolpin did not go to out-of-state medical schools; or that Jeremy Sartain's motorcycle crash had not happened; or that Jenny Shaughnessy....and Curt Wood...and Joe Fogarty...and Christy Orris...and Rob Gilles....and Peter Skorseth...

And what about those athletes who still race but various circumstances prevent them from performing at their highest levels? Folks like 2006 Triathlete and Duathlete of the Year Marlo McGaver. Or former Rookie of the Year and Most Improved winner Dan Cohen, who works overtime helping others achieve their tri potentials. Or Rhett Bonner, who...

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Mrs. Nuke Knows Lots of Important Stuff...

kathyGoing Off Course - Woodbury triathlete Kathy Newcomb used to "take it to the hole."


In the 80s, the statuesque Ms. Newcomb, who had a different last name back then, played for the University of St. Thomas' high-flying women's basketball team. In addition to having a sweet jumper, Kathy also liked to drive to the basket, i.e. "taking it to the hole," where she often made the lay-up and got fouled in the process. She was a good free-throw shooter.

A gifted athlete (she also was on the Tommie's track and cross country teams), she was, however, even more gifted at academic stuff, thus she eschewed an WNBA career to become a teacher. For the past 21 years she's imparted her estimable pedagogical gifts to high school students in the Twin Cities metro area....

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Too Cool Not to Share...

singhEd. This story appeared on yahoo.news.com back in October. It's about a 100-year-old guy with a ZZ Top beard, a bitchin' yellow maharaja hat and a totally unpronounceable name who ran a marathon. How cool is that!


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Fun With Orthotics...

deerBy Bonnie Pesplanus

Many of you know that orthotics are worn by people who are hot. You know this because I have shared with you that I now have them in my own shoes and can verify this as a true fact. As I sit here wearing them under a broken heat vent that perpetually runs on

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2012 Triathloscopes...

zodiacED. In addition to Astrology, Erika is also into Head-Bump-ology (we forget the official name of that one!), Plant Perception and a host of other totally cool pseudosciences.

by Erika Sperl-Imhoff

The new year brings all sorts of exciting things, including setting goals and making plans. But how much easier would it be to set those goals/make those plans if you had some insight from the stars? Before you get too far ahead of yourselves, here are your 2012 triathloscopes*.


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