Resolutiony Stuff...

resolutionsBy Warren Peece

Happy New Year - "Hard" resolutions, like resolving to lose a gazillion pounds or not eating chicken wings for a whole month, suck because they invite failure.

That's why I don't do them.

Sure, I want to lose a gazillion pounds (I do NOT want to endure an entire month, even February, without wings!), and truly hope that I will be lighter on 1/1/13 than I am now, but I'm not going to off myself if that doesn't happen.

I am, however, perfectly willing to kick off 2012 with a few "Easy" resolutions, i.e. ones that are almost impossible not to accomplish and therefore invite success. You know, stuff I was going to do anyway.

Here are some of my 2012 Easy Resolutions: ...

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Merry Christmas From MTN!




Wishing For Ponies....

packagespoopWishing You Optimism and Cool Gifts This Holiday Season!

By Darin Wieneke

A family had twin boys whose only resemblance to each other was their looks. If one felt it was too hot, the other thought it was too cold. If one said the TV was too loud, the other claimed the volume needed to be turned up. Opposite in every way, one was an eternal optimist, the other a doom and gloom pessimist.....

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Last Minute Shopping...

bookBy Kevin Firth (for xtri.com)

Book Review - Being a triathlete, the sport is always on our minds and for some of us, it is everywhere we look. Whether it's worrying about the next workout, what races to schedule for next season, or getting the right gear; there is always something on our minds. Did you ever stop to think of the lighter side of the sport? Take some of the most anal and intense people on the planet and throw them into one race, and something funny is bound to happen. Leib Dodell entered the sport by accident back in the late 80's armed with only a sense of humor, and he immersed himself into the triathlon world. Throughout all the training and racing, one thing has remained consistent with Leib, and that is his sense of humor. This humor was carried from the races onto the pages of Inside Triathlon, where Leib wrote a column, "The Lighter Side of Triathlon" for over ten years. With the ten years of stories, Leib has created the book, "Sex, Lies, and Triathlon" which is definitely one of the most refreshing and fun books I have read on the sport of triathlon. The book is filled with hilarious short stories, that make for an easy fun read. While the booked has its share of funny events/incidents that Leib has witness throughout his triathlon career, it is also filled with Leib's unique and humorous viewpoint on the sport, which I found to be very refreshing. This is definitely...

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Not Ready to Sing Soprano...

seanGoing Off Course - Like most heterosexual males, Sean Cooley likes girls. In fact, the handsome Grand Forks triathlete who looks a little like somebody famous, really, really, really likes girls, and is able to sustain multiple crushes at the same time.

He can't help it. You see, Sean suffers from a psycho-hormonal disorder known as "Chronic Horndog Syndrome," or CHS.

This became obvious to us when after the MMA Party (he was nominated for Most Improved), he contacted us via e-mail. The electronic conversation was brief and revealing.

- Sean - "Hey MTN Guys, who was the girl who hung out with the guy who had wing sauce on his shirt?"

- MTN Guy - "Not sure, but it could have been Ross Weinzierl's girlfriend. Ross really should wear a bib to those events."

- Sean - "Does she like him a lot?"

- MTN Guy - "Of course. Everybody likes Ross."....

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