Upwardly Mobile...

christinajohn(Photos - Christina and John are two of the athletes who are being considered for "Most Improved" nominations.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - The "Most Improved" award honors those who have demonstrated significant upward mobility within Minnesota's elite ranks. Historically, all 10 male and female annual members of Team Minnesota have raced at a national-class level during the season of their selection, thus to be considered for a nomination in this category a veteran TM athlete must convincingly upgrade his or her position ...

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Rockin' For 4 - 10 Hours....

bennett(Photo -Bennett Isabella with a totally hot celebrity woman; an actress maybe. It could be Emma Stone, who's been dying her hair a lot lately.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - We blew it last year.

Which time, you ask?

When we decided to include Ruth Brennan Morrey's runaway victory at the 2011 ITU Long Distance World Championships among the 2012 nominees for Female Performance of the Year.

LD Worlds were only a week before the MMA Party and we had already ordered and received the trophies, including, of course, Dan Arlandson's LD AOY and Claire Bootsma's POY trophies....

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The Masters: Women...

angies(Photo - This pair of bar-hopping Angies--Hop and Schmidt--are among those being considered for 2012 Master of the Year nominations.)

2012 Minnesota Multisport Awards - The list of potential female Master of the Year nominees is even longer than the men's roster, which was posted yesterday. A brief glance at this year's bios and results suggests that at least 20 fast women deserve serious consideration, including former MOY winners Jan Guenther and Heidi Keller-Miler. It is the world class standards set by this seriously fast duo that these candidates will be compared to....

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The Masters: Guys...

david(Photo - David Holden won four races this year.)

2012 Minnesota Multisport Awards - The list of potential male Master of the Year nominees is a lengthy one. A cursory glance at this year's bios and results suggests that at least 12 guys deserve serious consideration, including former MOY winners Brian Bich, Greg Taylor and Kevin O'Connor. It is the world class standards set by this august trio (and Tony Schiller) that these candidates will be measured against.

Which four of these guys deserves official nominations? Let is know by using the COMMENT feature at the bottom of the post.

* Chap Achen, 44, Red Wing (Breakout season. Four overall podiums)

* Brian Bich, 46, Duluth (45-49 National champion, Brian won three races in 2012) ...

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Hard Rockin' Guys....

dan(Fantastic TriJuice Photo - Dan dominating in Des Moines.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - We discussed the potential nominees for female Performance of the Year last week. Today we'll list some of the top efforts of 2012 by Minnesota's dudes. Check these out and let us know (using the COMMENT feature at the bottom of this post) which of these

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