Prepping for the Inevitable...

championshipjerseys.gifED. Ben Ewers is a three-time Minnesota Grand Master of the Year. He now lives in Arizona.

By Ben Ewers (benewers,blogspot.com)

I have not posted in a while as there was nothing material to share.  I've recovered from my stumble in the XTERRA desert trail race but I've been sort of "wandering in the desert" of Arizona trying to figure out what I want to do with multisports now that I am drawing a social security check.  While enduring the normal aches and pains that accompany the aging process,  I've been fighting the urge to retire from multisport.

I've been able to run up to two times per week on desert...

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More Than Just a Pain in the Butt...

hamstring.gifInjuries suck. It's hard enough for the MTN Guys to see so many of our multisport friends endure owies and boo-boos. It's worse when they are actually sidelined by such things.

In 2012 we were getting excited about a masters athlete named Leslie Englert. It was her first year in the sport and she had already won a race (Maple Grove Sprint) and rocked Top 10 efforts at all the Graniteman Series races. We thought she was only a year or two away from MMA nominations.

Then an evil thing called Hamstring Tendonosis happened. This stuff requires a lot more than PT and ant-inflammatories, so Leslie got Prolo Therapy (which is awesome), which along with lots of PT, enabled her to run again.

After a painful season in 2013, low-lighted by medium-dazzle performances, we were anxious to see Leslie return to form. When we sought her permission to write stuff...

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Training, Racing & Partying...

ED. MTN is encouraging Minnesota's Tri Clubs to send us stuff about their goals and why they are cool. Today, we kick things off with some information about NOW Bike's Triathlon Club.



By Jeff Hagen

Now Bikes Triathlon Club


The NOW Bikes Triathlon Club is now in its 7th year of existence. Our club members reside throughout the Twin Cities and our members’ experience level ranges from first timer to elite athletes. The Club is here to support all levels of triathletes by...

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Planning Your Race Calendar...

guys.gifPhoto - This pic has nothing to do with the story here. We are posting it here because we think it's a Hoot!


By Ryan Turbyfill (usatriathlon.org)

With the 2014 triathlon season quickly approaching, you may have a full race schedule lined up. If not, it’s time to start thinking about your multisport goals and determine which races will best showcase all your hard work. Here are six key concepts to help you choose the best multisport races for you — whether it’s your first event or 100th.

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How to Stop Sucking...

resolve2g4-561x421.gifBy Jesse Thomas (triathlon.competitor.com)

Jesse Thomas’ three-step plan to conquering all the stuff you suck at.

Unless you’re Ryan Gosling from the movie “Drive,” you probably have a weakness or two. I’ll tell you that I am no Ryan Gosling. I don’t own a leather jacket, I drive a Prius and there are tons of things I could work on that would make me a better person.

Most of us try to work on our weaknesses at least once a year, either with New Year’s resolutions, or in the case of us athletes, new season resolutions....

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