Shifting Gears...

old-man-cloud.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Well whaddya know?  Another winter has come and gone during which I posted exactly zero updates.  Although that's probably for the best.  Anything I may have written this winter would almost certainly have spun off into a rant about how soul-crushingly awful our weather is.

For the one or two of you keeping track of such things, you may have noticed that there has been a change in the banner ads to the right.  Starting this year, I'll be racing as part of the Gear West Bike and Triathlon Development Team.

This is a tad bit bittersweet because I have nothing but good things to say about TCMC, Dan Casebeer and everyone at Grand...

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Boosting Your Immune System...

food.gifBy Katie Davis (usatriathlon.org)

As athletes ramp up their training, they put their bodies at a higher risk of illness and infection. Research indicates that athletes are at an increased risk of illness not only in the hours after a hard workout, but in the one to two weeks following a competition. This is likely due to the increase in stress hormones (particularly adrenaline and cortisol) associated with training and competition. However, there are things you can do to keep your immune system running strong and minimize your risk of illness during training and competition.

1. Eat well
Despite the fact that many athletes take multivitamins, antioxidant blends and the like, there is a lack of....

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When to Run Twice a Day...

runner.gifBy Jene Shaw (triathlon.competitor.com)

You’ve probably done plenty of double workouts—swim in the morning, run later in the day—depending on your experience in the sport. Although there’s no substitute for an all-at-once long workout because of the race-specific stimulus it provides, there may be a few reasons to do a single-sport double workout, especially with running. Some USAT coaches weigh in on when and why they use this two-a-day technique.

If you’re new to longer distances:

Swimmers start doing double workouts to build volume starting at a very young age. “Two-a-days are in my regular bag of tricks, especially when I am building someone up for longer distance...

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Unbreakable Pam...

pam-hospital-bed.gifED. This is a wonderful story!

By Mike Waldner

A Friday Story for you all,

It is a testament to the benefits and importance of keeping in shape and good health.

In a nutshell this story is from a neat guy I met at the Broadband Communities Conference in Chicago last November.  So over dinner one night (being he is from Bolder) I mentioned that there are a lot of professional triathletes that live there.  He said his wife does triathlons also – and did the Lake Tahoe Ironman event.  Fast forward to next BBC conference in Austin Texas 2 weeks ago….  He could not wait to catch up with me and tell me the story of his wife.....

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Pride & Purpose...

LAMS-logo.gifBy Erik Vilen

Lakes Area Multisport, or LAMS as we call ourselves, exists to facilitate a sense of community and collaboration among athletes within the Brainerd Lakes Area and to promote an active and healthy lifestyle.  We were founded in 2011 to be a group of local multi-sport enthusiasts who want an organization to promote exercise as a way of life for our community.  In the past couple years we have grown rapidly and now have over eighty members!

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