The Slam Dunks & Race of the Year...

2014-ROY-V2.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - MMA winners in most of the categories--Rookies, Male Master, Junior, Most Improved (Men and Women), Duathlete, Long Distance Athlete of the Year and Performance of the Year (Men and Women)--were extremely difficult to determine and required much analysis and debate.

On the other hand, the winners in four of the categories were considered by the Committee to be "Slam Dunks".

Arguably, the Slam Dunkiest of all the categories was GRAND MASTER OF THE YEAR. Though there were four great nominees, all of whom had the kind of season that may have won the award in prior years, one guy stood tall above the rest: GREG TAYLOR. With his victory at Nationals (margin: 3:13), 70.3 Worlds (4:42:14 - Margin: 16:16) and at Kona (Margin: 30:02), not to mention his...

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Nygaard Nips Trom For ROY...

nick-n-SM.gif2014 MInnesota Multisport Awards - As promised, we are posting some of the reasons behind this year's MMA Selections. Let's start with the Rookie of the Year category.

Duluth's NICK NYGAARD (photo) won this year's ROY award. He is the first male to do so since 2006, when Rookie of the Year became a coed category. He raced four times in 2014, winning once (Green Lake Olympic), placing 2nd twice (Timberman and Brewhouse Sprints) and cracking the Top 5 in his long course debut at Superior Man (4:19). The committee was impressed with his times, comparing them to those of 2012 ROY runner-up/2013 Most Improved winner Brian Sames and 2008 ROY runner-up Patrick Parish.

Nick was not a runaway winner as KELLY TROM also enjoyed a brilliant first season. Trom, 27, of Minneapolis, impressed the Committee with her 2nd place finish at HITS-Waconia Half IM in a time of 4:48:09, arguably the best performance by a rookie in '14. Additionally, they liked the fact that she faced strong, i.e. "credentialed," competition in all three of her races. At HITS, she finished behind 2009 US AOY Cathy...

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2014 MMA Winners...Updated...






Minnesota Multisport Awards - Here are the 2014 Winners:

2014 Rookie of the Year - NICK NYGAARD, 24, Duluth

2014 Junior of the Year - PAIGE DANIELSON, 18, St. Cloud

2014 Grand Master of the Year - GREG TAYLOR, 60, Yankton, SD

2014 Master of the Year - Women - CHERYL ZITUR, 49, Corcoran

2014 Master of the Year - Men - TONY SCHILLER, 56, Eden Prairie

2014 Most Improved - Women - DANI FISCHER, 26, Wausau, WI ....

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Stuff About Late Season Burn-Out...

burnout.gifBy Jene' Shaw (triathlon.competitor.com)

Stay on track for your peak race of the year.

For many amateur triathletes, fall means it’s time to wind down the training, start (finally) practicing yoga or get back to focusing on work or family. But for top age groupers or anyone targeting a late-season “A” race, now is the time to peak and perform at your best without burning out after a long year of training and racing.

Qualifying for any of triathlon’s world championships means you have the talent and drive to race to the top of the age-group rankings. It also means—especially after a season of qualifying long-course races—that you have to find a delicate balance in order to peak, race well enough to qualify and then recover multiple times throughout the year, all while keeping up the motivation to train hard day in and day out. Nailing that perfect train-enough-but-not-too-much ratio can be...

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Bike Like a Pro. Eat Like a Pig...

taco-stuff.gifBy John Burnett (npr.org/blogs)

Last month, a friend and I rode bicycles 738 miles up the spine of Texas from the Rio Grande to the Red River, dodging oilfield trucks and yipping Chihuahua dogs.

All that pedaling had us burning about 5,000 to 5,500 calories every day. And so the 10-day journey — eight days of it riding into a headwind — became a movable feast.

There were hero sandwiches, Tater Tots, loaded baked potatoes, rib-eye steaks, chiles rellenos, cheese enchiladas, fried shrimp, cheeseburgers, french fries, hot dogs, barbecue brisket, beef jerky, chocolate glazed donuts, Snickers bars and fried pies.

It was the diet that a calorie-counting cubicle dweller can only dream of. Imagine: eating anything you want and never having to worry about belly fat.

Lots of endurance athletes — such as Tour de France cyclists — get to eat this way all the time, though they tend to practice more conscientious "performance nutrition" that probably doesn't include chocolate donuts....

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