Going Amateur...

dev-and-teddy.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I am very excited to announce that for the 2015 triathlon season I will be taking a big step forward and racing as an amateur! This is a huge move and a major decision and something that I am confident will impact the sporting world from top to bottom. I am leaving behind the rough and tumble rodeo of professional racing for the glitz and glamor of amateurism. Am I ready to race in the big leagues? After spending five years developing in the salt mines of pro racing I know I am crusty enough to finally bark with any of the big dog age groupers out there. Why make the leap now? It’s my time.

How does this affect you, an avid blog reader? Well let’s break down some frequently asked questions.

Will you still do triathlons? Yes. Still training, still racing. My best is yet to come in Ironman and I have several goals left to accomplish. In 2015 I will race one or two Ironmans and many of Minnesota’s fantastic events....


Will you still coach triathletes? Yes, I will still tell my athletes what to do and I can even take on a few more for 2015.

Will you still write brief but entertaining blog posts here on this site? Yes. I will continue to write posts with the intent to amuse you for roughly the duration of one bathroom visit.

Will you still send out high quality tweets? Yes. My tweets have always been strong and they get better every day. @dpalmertri

