
Machetes, Speedos & A Mustard Shortage...

j & JKinda Like Race Coverage - "Last Sunday, we posted this teaser about the 4th annual Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour Triathlons: UPDATE #5: Yesterday's Burrito Union 5 & 10 Hour Triathlon was a totally cool event, full of fun, excitement and more than a little weirdness. Bear sightings, a totally hot Honduran woman using a machete to make PB & J sandwiches, three guys in speedos, the ipodded head-banging music of Matt Payne's band--Align--rocked a halfa-thousand sets of eardrums.

"A significant percentage of the male participants were unshaven, causing a vaporous chimera of testosterone to hang fog over the venue. Tents and beach chairs were everywhere and un-recommendable quantities of grain beverages were consumed. Entrants hoovered hotdogs and burgers at an alarming rate, forcing one diligent volunteer to run out on not one but TWO occasions to procure condiments. Imagine, if you will, 20 beautiful grill-striped sizzling burgers, 20 open and empty buns waiting on paper plates, AND NO MUSTARD! Mutinies were averted and the..

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Meet Christopher McDougall...

Born..More than 225 people have already purchased their tickets to see, hear and meet Christopher McDougall, author of the bestseller "Born To Run." The book is bookcasenothing short of brilliant and reads like a world-class adventure novel. And you do not need to be a runner to enjoy this literary masterpiece.

This event was originally designed for a 200-person audience but an additional 100 seats have been added by popular demand. Please contact either of the event's hosts, The Bookcase (952-473-8341) or Gear West Ski & Run (952-473-0377) to reserve your seat.

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Jumping Off the Page...

jackieIronman Wisconisin Stuff - Have you looked at the Ironman Wisconsin results?

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Kevin's O'Comments...

kevinWe received this e-mail from Treadman Du winner Kevin O'Connor on Sunday evening:

"Quite a race at Rev 3. I also see Cathy was 9th pro at IMWI. To be as fast as she or David. I hope you saw David

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Today...(With Continuous Updates!- DKT Podiums in IM Debut!)

dktLotsa stuff are * going down today and we'll do our best to keep you informed.

What's happening?

Well, Ironman Wisconsin is happening and we'll be following the race and keeping you informed on how the Minnesota participants are faring.

And David Thompson's Iron-debut at Rev 3 - Ohio is today. We hope to provide periodic updates on his performance. We have a good feeling about this. We think DKT (photo) will rock the Erie coast!..

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