
A Plethora of Droppable Names...

christelann2010 Minnesota Multisport Awards - It's a goshdarn shame. Only four women can be nominated for Master of the Year.

There are more than thirty 40-54 girls who have enjoyed successful 2010 multisport seasons. Whittling that group down to four finalists will not be an easy task for the MMA Selection Committee. The quadrumvirate that survives the cut will have to have done much more than simply win some divisional titles. They will have won races outright or made...

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Matt's Awesome Story...

guitarby Matthew Payne (Photo - A supremely wasted Matt Payne rocks out!)

Nationals Race Report - Whew! It

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Perspectival Stuff...

Race Commentary -

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Mascarpone Cheese Spread & Artsy Fartsy Stuff...

guyRace Preview - Sadly, Minnesota's final multi of the 2010 season will be contested this Saturday in Grand Rapids. The event is the 4th annual Kickin' Leaves Duathlon and consists of a scenic 10-mile bike race bookended by similarly scenic three mile runs. The race, though under-publicized, deserves to be supported and perpetuated, so if you can find it in your aerobically obsessive heart to squeeze in one more run-bike-run this season, we suggest you visit the..

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A Habit of Winning...

jenny & bethRace Coverage - We were not at Iron Girl Bloomington yesterday, but Steve Stenzel was. We shamelessly filched his race coverage and a cool photo he posted on his great WEBSITE. The pic features Jenny Wilcox and her signature compression socks, and Thunder Bay, Ontario's wonderful Beth Shipston, who is one of the coolest people you'll ever meet. Say hi to her the next time you see her, okay? Do you find it odd that Beth cut the shoulders out of her long sleeve tech shirt? Notice also that Jenny, who won the race, of course, is a mid-foot striker, like a Tarahumara runner, while Beth is a heel-striker. Beth finished 6th on Sunday.

The sun was shining over chilly Bloomington, MN yesterday at the Aflac Iron Girl Duathlon. Around 1,400 women were pre-registered, but only around 1000 finished - the cool morning maybe kept some people away. The race consisted of a ...

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