
Staying Strong & Optimistic...

margyBy Kevin McKinnon (ironman.com) - Dr. Margaret MacMillan is no stranger to challenges. The pediatric oncologist is used to watching her young patients fight for their lives. She's used to telling those patients and their families to remain positive, strong and optimistic. She thought she lived those words last November as she struggled to get the last qualifying spot in her age group at Ford Ironman Florida. Making it to Kona was nothing compared to her next challenge - just getting back to her next Ironman.

MacMillan dug deep to get that Kona qualifying spot. She

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Kids Stuff...

kyleThe process to determine the recipients of the 12th annual Minnesota Multisport Awards has begun. MMA Selection Committee Members will be attending their first of several meetings next week. One of the eight categories they will be discussing is 2010 Minnesota Junior of the Year. The competitive resumes of more than twenty 19-&-under athletes will be scrutinized and four kids will ultimately receive JOY nominations. This is a coed category.

The Committee will look at how often and how well each athlete raced. The quality of the competition they faced will be evaluated as well as the time differential between their efforts and that of elite adults in the same racing environment. They will also be compared with those athletes who have set the junior performance standards in years past. It's not enough to win one's AG on a regular basis. The times must also be impressive and the effort must compare with those of past champions.

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Not-So-Square Square Lake Preview...

lakeEven though Square Lake isn't really square-shaped (see drawing), it is still a very good lake.

Not-so-square Square Lake is also the site of two very cool multisport races, which are called the "Square Lake Long and Short Course Triathlons," which is less clumsy, though less correct, than calling them the "Not-So-Square Square Lake Long and Short Course Triathlons."

The 11th edition of the technically incorrectly named Square Lake Short Course Tri will be staged on Saturday; the long course event--half iron-ish in distance--will celebrate it's 10th anniversary on Sunday.

Hey, what are the course records, you ask?

Well, even if you didn't, here they are:...

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Doing Moo....

logoKinda a Preview - Somewhere between 50 and 1000 Minnesotans will be participating in Ironman Wisconsin this weekend. We're not sure of the exact numbers, having gone blind picking out the "MN"s beside the names on the start list. MTN wanted to post an article that would be of interest to those Loon Staters who will "do Moo" on Sunday, especially those who are doing so for the first time. We also think that those who plan to do the 140.6-mile Tour de Madison in the future will appreciate this post, which we atmospherically "spiced up" with images of a farm, a happy cow and Jan Guenther.

By Rich Strauss (trifuel.com) - Athletes preparing for Ironman Wisconsin are eager for any information to give them a leg up on the day. Having seen the recent reports from Ironman..

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The Picture of Kerry Yndestad...

frankenhookerWhile scouring the Interwebs for cool movies to put in our Netflix queue, we came across the 1991 semi-classic: "Frankenhooker."

We're not making this up! Ever see it?

If you haven't, here's a summary: "This is your standard New Jersey love story, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, girl gets sliced to ribbons by remote control lawnmower, boy patches girl back together with parts from hookers, girl goes on a rampage in New York City. The film is a riot, especially the "Exploding Prostitutes" scene,..." (from BadMovies.org/frankenhooker) The film made tens of dollars at the box office.

Gosh, they don't make 'em like that anymore.

To our total chagrin, "Frankenhooker" is not currently available on Netflix. Goshdarnit!...

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