
Too Much Coffee & Aristocratic Dog Names...

jo(Photo -Joanna and Mederic Hall. The photo is slightly distorted and so is the content of this post. We may have embellished it a teensy weensy bit.)

Going Off Course - Rochester triathlete Joanna Hall admits to having OCD tendencies, which is a psychological deal having to do with stuff like obsessions and compulsions and disorders. No, she doesn't wash her hands 150 times a day, nor is she afraid to step on sidewalk cracks even though doing so is never a good idea, especially if you love your mother. Only a real jerk would want to break his mother's back by stepping on a sidewalk crack. Sure, Ma may be a real drag sometimes...

We digress.

Joanna doesn't suffer from an extreme form of OCD. Her obsessions and compulsions and disorders have to do with benign stuff like drinking way too much coffee, improperly detasseled corn, and giving her Dog Show dogs excessively aristocratic names like, and we're not making this up, "Jordan Duke of Windtree."

Okay, maybe the naming thing is an example of extreme OCD....

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Powerman Alabama Race Reportage...

logoKevin O'Connor and DKT raced at Powerman Alabama yesterday. (David is a three-time PM AL champ!) Here is Kevin's race report.

By Kevin O'Connor

Let me start by saying that the race is one of the "must do" races. It is very challenging but not over the top hard. Team Magic does a first rate job of race production and it was clear that everyone was enjoying themselves. The 10k, 60k, 10k course is completely in the confines of Oak Mountain State Park (photo below). The run course is like shaped like a upper case letter "Y". You run out to the right and turn around at about mile 2 and then run towards the second turnaround. The race organizers wanted to make certain the race lived up to it's name of ...

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Tri Chuckles...

humorEd. - We filched these jokes and images from other websites. The first epigram is especially funnilicious. At least we think so.

Shiny New Bike

A triathlete was walking around in town one day when his friend, another triathlete, rode up on an incredible shiny new bike. The first chap was stunned and asked, "Where did you get such a fantastic bike?" The friend replied, "Well, yesterday I was out running in the forest just minding my own business when this beautiful woman rode up to me on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want!" The first chap nodded approvingly, "Good choice. The clothes probably wouldn't have fitted you anyway."...

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Footprints on the Moon...

dave(Photo - Dave Scott winning some race in Hawaii back in the '80s. Dave's a totally cool and smart guy who has said may cool and smart and motivating things over the years. He may or may not have been the guy who said:

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Spring Break in Havasu...

stairsBy Diane Hankee

We were up at Lutsen snowboarding at the beginning of December and a friend of ours from New Mexico mentioned this really fun triathlon she did in Arizona

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