Race Coverage

Powerman Alabama Race Reportage...

logoKevin O'Connor and DKT raced at Powerman Alabama yesterday. (David is a three-time PM AL champ!) Here is Kevin's race report.

By Kevin O'Connor

Let me start by saying that the race is one of the "must do" races. It is very challenging but not over the top hard. Team Magic does a first rate job of race production and it was clear that everyone was enjoying themselves. The 10k, 60k, 10k course is completely in the confines of Oak Mountain State Park (photo below). The run course is like shaped like a upper case letter "Y". You run out to the right and turn around at about mile 2 and then run towards the second turnaround. The race organizers wanted to make certain the race lived up to it's name of ...

parkPowerman so they changed the run course from previous years. The second spur of the run lets you start a one mile climb up the side of the large hill on the one lane road through the state forest. The turn around is at the top of the hill (4 mile mark) and you get to run down the 10% towards the run finish.
