
DKT Rocks the Big Easy...& Other Stuff...


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"Competition Junkie"....

heidi(Photo - HKM in her new Avengery wetsuit.)

Race Coverage - Heidi Keller-Miler returned to the tri lifestyle in 2005 after a 15-year absence, a period during which she delivered and raised a Madison and a Casey and an Austin and co-habitated with hubby Tom and did lots of regular life stuff. On Sunday she won the 23rd annual Lake Waconia Triathlon, the 11th tri-victory of her resurrected career.

It was a BIG win. HUMONGOUS may be a better word. Heidi likened the experience to her triumph at Turtleman in 2006 against one of the deepest women's fields ever assembled for a Minnesota multi.

The Gigantor win made Heidi very, very happy. She wanted to drink many, many of Nordica Stocker's craft beers at Ross Weinzierl's party after the race, but limited herself to just three or four 'cuz she had to drive to St. Cloud to do some family-related stuff....

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Kevin Found $5; Patrick Found a Win....

lwt(Cool Nick Morales Photo - A great-to-be-alive day in Waconia, Minnesota. Nick also photogged the Matt Payne pic used on page two. Thanks again, Nick.)

Lake Waconia Coverage - At precisely 8:30 am SST (Snitko Standard Time) last Sunday the elite wave dolphined into the atypically sedate waters of Lake Waconia, the picturesque body of water for which the iconic sprint triathlon, now 23-years-of-age, is named. Moments earlier, race founder / former director Tom K sang the National anthem and Kevin O'Connor, who didn't run at Iowa State University, found a five dollar bill in the shallows.

The day was blessed, it seemed. The vibe that morning was all about good things and being happy.

The race that followed was bursting with highlights; not just on the elite side; on every side....

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First of Three Great Races....

photoStory & Photo By Mike Knaak (stcloudtimes.com)

Graniteman-St. Cloud Coverage - At first, there was uncertainty and skepticism surrounding the St. Cloud Graniteman Triathlon.

The race

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Ang's MTB Debut...


Filthy, yet foxy, Angie Hop, a true studette triathlete, is talked into doing a mountain bike race. MTN had to post this award-deserving pic. FYI, Ang cleans up real well.
