
Hailey is a Rock Star!

haileyBy CAF Staff

Hailey Danisewicz - Team Zico

Hailey was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her left leg when she was 12. After a year of chemotherapy and several surgeries, she made the decision to have her leg amputated at the age of 14. Though she was always active in sports, Hailey didn

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Minnesota's Super Weekend! Day One...UPDATED...

logo11th LIFE TIME TRI - MINNEAPOLIS - Superstar Sarah Haskins won the equalizer, but only by 9 seconds over four-time Olympian, Hunter Kemper. Both athletes set new course records. For Sarah, it was her 4th consecutive win here. For Hunter, it was his 2nd LTF-Mpls victory. He also won in 2006.

Dan Hedgecock won the men's Elite Amateur race again, lowering his 2011 CR by 19 seconds. He was joined on the Top Step by Cathy Yndestad. This was her 6th (!) LTF-Mpls win.

Other winners included Brasil's Fernando Toldi and Sarah Castillo of Madison, Wisconsin (International Citizens), and Ohio's Jahan Culbreath and Minneapolis' Jennifer Fitzharris- Funk in the Sprint. (Ang Hop was 2nd.)...

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Attendance Down at Lake Lou Yaeger Triathlon....

pacuTesticle Eating Fish Found in Illinois Lake


Updated Jul 9, 2012 at 3:22 PM PDT

When biologists say the pacu fish eats nuts, they may be correct in more ways than one. The pacu, a toothy fish that can weigh up to 55 pounds, has been spotted in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois, KSDK reports.

Responding to a report that a fisherman had reeled in a piranha on June 7, lake superintendent Jim Caldwell brought the fish to the Illinois Department of....

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Smart Stuff About Racing on Hot Days...

collapseBy Patrick McCrann, Endurance Nation (for Xtri.com)

We are entering the hottest part of the season: July and August. Pretty much wherever you live you'll be experiencing some flavor of heat, humidity or both. It's time to step away from your race pace calculator and take a healthy dose of reality: there's simply no way you can race at your peak potential if your body isn't 100% ready for the conditions.

The finish line of every triathlon is littered with bodies of athletes who "coulda shoulda woulda" had a great race if not for failing to address a specific challenge that arose...

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G-Man Stats: A Nerd's Eye View...

logoGraniteman - Clearwater Preview - July 14-15 will be the busiest weekend of Minnesota's tri season. Approximately 3500 Minnesota triathletes will race on Saturday, a day that features three popular and well-established events: Life Time - Minneapolis, Timberman and Graniteman - Clearwater. The combined ages of these annual classics is 48 years. Another 1500 will race on Sunday (Heart of the Lakes and TriTonka).

Today we discuss the G-Man Series' flagship race: the 9th annual Graniteman, an event that spent six seasons at its original venue in Rockville near St. Cloud. In 2010 it was moved to a superior venue in Clearwater, located midway between St. Cloud and the Twin Cities....

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