
Category Climbing...

startBy Bonnie Moebeck

Race Coverage - Last weekend, I learned a new word. A dirty word. "Category climb." Ok, that

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Saturday Results Stuff...

loonPerham, MN - Nearly 200 athletes participated in this morning's Average Jo Triathlon in Perham. The nine-year-old race was won by Bismarck's Daniel Molnar in 1:03:40, which we believe is a course record.

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North Mankato Stuff...

swimNorth Mankato Preview - Between 200-225 athletes are expected to participate in the 15th annual North Mankato Triathlon on Sunday. This year's event will be produced by Final Stretch and will feature more "bells and whistles" than the race used to offer. The staging will be grander and the post-race amenities will be even more abundanter than in year's past.

Like what?

Steak burgers! That's what. We can't say for sure it there will be steak burgers, but that is the kind of stuff that FSI offers after all their races. Some folks do their events for the food....

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Dylanisms, Record Attendance & Bob Powers...

logoMinneman Preview - One had to be impressed with the depth of last weekend's Lake Waconia Triathlon's field, the deepest of the Minnesota tri-season thus far....

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Slaying Your First Dragon...

girlBy Jason Goepfert

Race Coverage - Do you remember your first time?

Were you anxious? Excited? So afraid of the unknown that you wanted to puke?

I was.

My first time didn't arrive until I was a Steve Carell-esque 35 years old. It hurt a little bit, but after it was done I wanted more! I couldn't get enough.

You guessed it - it was my first tri....

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