
A Great Place to Start....

swimRe-energize your triathlon season with a Mini-Tri at Lake Nokomis

By Emily Waitz for Team LUNA Chix Minneapolis

August is here and it seems like our short triathlon season is already so close to being over in Minnesota. But there are many great races remaining on the calendar and we know many people are still gearing up, some for their first ever triathlon.

Are you getting ready for your first triathlon? Or are you a veteran, interested in practicing transitions? The LUNA Chix Minneapolis Triathlon team is hosting a fun and casual...

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A Storied Feat...

swim startPointe to La Pointe Swim Race..

BY Sean Kaneski

RACE PREVIEW - You stand on the beach in Bayfield, WI near the pier where the ferry shuttles people and cars daily the 2.1 miles to LaPointe on Madeline Island. In a triathlons, there is a triangle or rectangle marked out with orange bouys to define the course and give athletes some perspective on the actual distance of the race. In this race, it is just the opposite as the course stretches...

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Gruesome Pictures in the Attic...


THIS JUST IN! - MTN has just learned that David Thompson won the Giant Eagle 5150 Triathlon in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday, beating runner-up Kaleb VanOrt by 1:04 over the Olympicesque distances.

(Image - A made-up character named Dorian Gray from a movie and a classic novel by a famous Irish guy.)

Race Preview - One of the plethora of great things about the Brewhouse Triathlon, which will launch into it's 2nd quarter-century of racing next Sunday, is that Rod Raymond will be there.

But then again, he has to be, seeing that he is the founder/co-race-director/Head Cheese, and all....

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Bigger Numbers, Faster Times...

gman bl

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Sibling Rivalry Stuff...

chris(Photo - Chris Crocker lowered his own 40-44 course record last Sunday.)

Race Coverage - Sean and Jake turned in impressive efforts at the 2011 Waseca 1/3 IM. North Dakota's amiable Cooley boys placed 3rd and 6th in that race, which was made all the more challenging by vaporous Amazonian heat. Sean's time was 2:51:45; Jake's 2:58:17.

Last Sunday, Sean collected his 3rd career victory on Minnesota soil, winning Waseca VI, which was contested under much more hospitable conditions (60s, cloudy, intermittent mist), with a time nearly nine minutes faster than a year ago (2:42:54). Only last year's Best of the US National Champion Matt Payne (2:37:29 in 2011), Dan Cohen (2:38:25 in 2009) and 2009 US Duathlete of the Year Kevin O'Connor (2:42:37) have negotiated the 1-mile -37 mile - 8.8-mile route in brisker times....

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