
Fun, Empowerment, Inspiration...

claire(Cool Photo of Claire - We recommend that Boots and Laura Swartz have a "Smile Off" after Sunday's YWCA Women's Tri.)

Race Preview - The YWCA Women's Triathlon, a glorious demonstration of the Y's slogan: "The Power to Soar," will celebrate it's 5th birthday next Sunday at Lake Nokomis. More than 1000 women will participate.

Though newbies and recreational athletes are the event's Biggest, Brightest Stars, we have not seen an entire list of participants. If we had, we would, in keeping with the tri's focus, have selected some of those folks to write about here. We would have raided their FB pages and given you a peek into their lives, ...

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A Bichian Milestone....

brian(Photo - Mild-mannered Brian Bich clad in his workaday teaching uniform. On weekends, though, he dons a different kind of outfit and does superhero stuff.)

Brewhouse XXVI Coverage - A borderline frosty morning with a choppy 63-degree lake morphed into an otherwise great day for racing, unless your name was W. Harvey Skees, who suffered a race-ending leg injury early in the swim. Already bummed that it was too cold to wear his infamous "Banana Hammock," W. Harvey had hoped that he would turn in a HOLT-like effort and rob 2011 Brewhouse Short Course champ Mike Ward of a successful defense.

Alas, it was not to be, and Ward, who after the race donned a cool pair flamboyant red sunglasses, that couldn't have cost more than a dollar or two, cruised to a 2:12 victory over Pennsylvania guy, Jeff Silvernale, who was tall and...

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Stuff About SUPERFOODS...

chia(Photo - Semi-yummy Chia seeds. A Superfood, they are hydrophilic, you know; and really, really good for you.)

ANDI Top 3 and Superfoods

By Hilary Patzer

There are so many diets out there... more information than we could ever hope to grasp or process. It is further complicated by the fact that endurance athletes need different fuel than sprinters, football players, climbers or sedentary people. We are what we eat; food truly is a person's first line of..

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That Inflatable is Huge!

gman(Photo - Resisting the urge to look up,

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Saturday Headliney Stuff...

childLAKEFRONT DAYS - Andy Schiesl won the Lakesfront Days Triathlon this morning. It was the fourth consecutive year that he has done so. The women's title went to elite runner / 2004 Minnesota Rookie of the Year nominee, Joyce Bourassa (pronounced "Borsa"). Andy and Joyce are really, really nice people, as are most, if not all, of the event's 280 finishers.

FYI, Andy likes Lady Gaga and has at least one adorable child (photo L). RESULTS

MINNESWASKA TRIATHLON X - Sartell's Jesse Westrup and Wayzata's Megan Erlandson parlayed very fast run splits into overall victories at the 10th edition Minnewaska Triathlon in Glenwood this morning. For Westrup, it was his 2nd straight victory...

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