
David's Plans...

dkt.gifMTN has contacted the members of Team Minnesota 2013 and requested that they share their 2014 Racing Schedules. Today, we're giving you a glimpse of David Thompson's multisport plans.

Thompson, a pro since 2004, has been our state's all-time winningest triathlete. He's a prolific racer and his '14 calendar tells us that he hopes to race between 20 to 30 times. Whoa! And while he will participate in numerous national and international events, like St. Anthony's, the Rev 3 Series, Escape from Alcatraz  and the Hy-Vee 5150 Champs, he will also compete locally at such events as the Oakdale and Apple Dus, Trinona, Lake Minnetonka and Chisago Half. New races on his regional clanedar include New Bri, the Park Tool Du and, possibly, the Outland Challenge.

MTN encourages any Minnesota multisport athlete who ....

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Budgeting Stress..

stopwatch.gifBy Jesse Kropelnicki  (usatriathlon.org)                                                     
As we near the end of the triathlon season, it is a good time to take a step back and review your stress budget. To some this may sound like Accounting 101 and in many ways it is. But, stress budgeting is one of the most important concepts in lasting an entire season and making long-term progress. Often overlooked by triathlon coaches and self-coached athletes, this is part and parcel to surviving and benefiting from the training of a triathlon...

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Stuff About "Bubbles"...

Brady_2.gifBy Brady DeHoust (endurancecorner.com)

Does your life function inside the bubble of the triathlon world or does triathlon fit inside the bubble of your life?

Stripping away everything-triathlon from my world, I’m a husband, father, full-time IT professional, coach, friend, son and brother. If I tried to squeeze and balance those components of my life inside a world dictated by triathlon, I’d lose and my bubble would pop. Triathlon only fits when there’s balance amongst those things that weigh heavier in importance....

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Seasonal Hydration Stuff...

hydration.gifBy Lauren Antonucci (triathlon.competitor.com)

Q: How are my hydration needs different in winter versus summer?

A: Many athletes I work with are surprised to learn that their sweat rate does not change just because the temperature drops. This is because sweat rate is determined by numerous factors, including fitness level, pace and acclimatization, not just ambient temperature. I actually find that athletes are just as likely to become dehydrated during winter workouts...

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Devon's Man Crush...

jason-s.gifGold Guys Netflix Streaming Movie Reviews: THE JASON STATHAM SPECIAL EDITION

By Devon Palmer
Posted on January 31, 2014 by palmertri

Many Jason Statham movies end up on Netflix streaming. This is probably a reflection of the quality of movies he appears in. I still love him. None of his biggest movies, like the Transporter franchise, are available on streaming. Recently he’s had a new one on streaming every few months. There are currently ten Jason Statham movies available on streaming, though one is a documentary he narrated about race cars which I have not watched.

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