
New Bikinis & Weekend Doubles...

Dog-Beach.gif(Photo - Suzy and Marta and some exotic animals.)
Hi MTN Guys!!!
I've only registered for two races for 2014 and am going to keep it that way through April. This will be the first year I have ever done two Ironmans in one season so I will wait and see how I recover after IM Cabo on March 30 while paying close attention to both my body and my training build up for IM Wisconsin this fall as well.  
2014 Race Schedule
Ironman Cabo San Lucas - I'm not going to lie, I am equally as excited for the beachfront villa our group is renting and the new bikini I just bought as I am for the race :-) This IM will be extra special because two of my favorite people,...

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News From Marcus & Diane...

the-strombergs.gif(Photo - Marcus and Jamie Stromberg)

Hey MTN,

Thanks for touching base. It's been a crazy busy winter with working extra to replenish the Triathlon Budget Coffers and Officiating High School & USA Swimming. However, after a much needed break from training to let the body heal and the fire to rekindle after some disappointing finishes at the end of the season, I'm back at it and looking forward to 2014.

The schedule looks to be shaping up as follows:

5/3 - Chain of Lakes Triathlon

6/1 - Buffalo Triathlon (Tentative)

6/22 - Best of the US Amateur Championships...

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Sophomore Success!

ruth-panama.gifRochester's second-year pro, RUTH BRENNAN MORREY, turned in an awesome performance on Sunday at Panama 70.3. Here's a portion of the coverage that appeared on triathlon.competitor.com:

While Bazelen was able to stay strong for third, defending champion Wurtele was not so lucky: She suffered heatstroke in the final miles of the race and did not finish. In a surprising turn of events, American Ruth Brennan Morrey—a psychologist and mother of three from Rochester, Minn.—turned in the fastest run on the women’s side (1:21:31) to leapfrog her way to fifth place.

Ironman 70.3 Panama
Panama City, Panama – Feb. 16, 2014
1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, 13.1-mile run .....

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Strong Opinions...

Drugs-and-Syringes-007.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

The Endurance Live Awards chose to honor Hines Ward, some ultra guy and an obvious doper. They did give out some awards to deserving folks. Javier Gomez and Brena Martinez (great track season, medal at the world championships) and Mirinda Carfrae all won awards. But to give male runner of the year to an ultra guy? What about the track or road athletes who actually run races against fast athletes? Nick Symmonds and Matt Centrowitz both got silver medals at Track Worlds in 2013. Those are pretty good accomplishments. As for Hines Ward, hasn’t he gotten enough attention and...

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Reaching Your 2014 Nutrition Goals..

fruit.gifBy Susan Kitchen (usatriathlon.org)

With 2014 underway, many of us have already made New Year’s resolutions, written on a sheet of paper or tucked away in our minds, in hopes that we can become a better version of ourselves this year. If you find that you’re setting the same goals year after year, here are some tips to help break the cycle and turn your resolutions into reality.

Inspired by the powerful message in Sports Psychologist Stan Beecham’s  “Elite Minds,” here are my thoughts on how to apply...

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