
Economic Benefit of Cycling in Minnesota...

calhoun_biking.pngDespite its cold winters, Minnesota — and the Twin Cities in particular — has long been recognized as one of the country’s biking-est places.

By Josephine Marcotty (startribune.com - March 28, 2017)

For many Minnesotans cycling is nothing more than a Sunday frolic, but a new report finds that the state’s bike industry produces $780 million in annual economic activity, 5,519 jobs and millions of dollars in health care savings because of reduced obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

And get this: Fully 13.6 percent of Twin Cities residents commute by bike, at least once in a while.

Those are the results of the first major investigation into the health and economic effects of the state’s bicycling industry, commissioned by the Minnesota...

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They Call Him "Spike"...


They call him "Spike." There is probably an interesting story behind that. We wish we knew what it is.

The "him" to which we refer is Duane Millslagle. He's 67, a former UMD professor whose field of expertise was Motor Behavior.

Dr. Millslagle is the author a sciency book called "Motor Development and Sports Skills Clinic." We found the paperback version on Amazon.com. It cost, we're not making this up, $373.27.

It must be a really good book, huh? We didn't buy it.


Spike now lives in Savage, Minnesota, and as most of you know, is a highly accomplished triathlete. Last season he picked up impressive AG victories at Minneapolis Sprint and Lake Minnetonka....

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"Grind While They Rest....."


By Kristina Swenson (kristinaswenson.wixsite.com)

Over spring break, I had the opportunity to travel to the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado with 8 teammates from the Iowa State Triathlon Team. We traveled with 8 members of the University of Iowa Triathlon Team as well, and we paid their coach, who is a pro triathlete who lives in the Colorado Springs area, to coach us for the week.
Training at the Olympic Training Center (OTC) is a pretty unreal experience. You stay in a traditional style residence hall like you would find on a college campus, eat all your meals in a dining center, and train in some of the nicest workout facilities in the country. It is literally your job to get up, train, eat, sleep, and recover so you can do it all again the next day.
Four years ago I had the opportunity to train in this exact place. At the time, I was 16 years old and had just joined my first triathlon team, Minnesota Junior Elite Triathletes. Even though I had been doing a kids triathlon since I was 8, I had only been doing sprint distance races for 2 years, so joining an elite level team was a huge step for me. I like to think that this is really the moment where my triathlon journey began....

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"Thank Your Body"....

KG_SOCKS.pngED. While web surfing recently, we stumbled upon an interview of Mankato triathlete, Kristin Gustafson, by her coach, Marni Sumbal, who is an awesome person. Do you know her? FYI - Kristin is one of the coolest people we know.


MS - Describe your athletic background and how you discovered your current sport?

KG - I was always competitive growing up playing tennis and basketball in high school. I tried playing tennis in college until my third knee surgery changed those plans. Any type of lateral movement makes me scared so I decided to find other activities where I only had to go straight. After college, I missed being competitive so I decided to start running. I started with a 10k and quickly moved onto doing marathons. After doing 20+ marathons, I felt like it was time to try something new. My very first triathlon was a half Ironman in July 2011 and the rest is history!

MS - What keeps you training and racing in your current sport?

KG - There is nothing more satisfying than signing up for a race, putting a 100% into training, being dedicated every day to becoming a better athlete, and then finishing it all off with completing the race distance. I was recently diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) this past year so now, more than ever...

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Buddy Racing is a Beautiful Thing...


What is a Resilinator?
It’s a kid who knows how to roll with the punches in life. A kid who keeps functioning when adversity strikes. A kid who faces setbacks and refuses to quit.

What’s the Resilinator?
Set on Minnesota's finest disc golf course, the Resilinator is a buddy race designed to test your physical strength, mental toughness, and teamwork. Three Rivers Park District is again our host partner for this first-of-its-kind adventure race with obstacles and challenges you'll conquer buddy pairs racing together.

Each pair must include at least one kid between the age of 7 and 17, plus a kid or adult buddy between the age 7 to 107. Adult buddies must have a moderate fitness level, as this race is designed to be challenging....

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