
Gratitude & Cheap Flights...


By Ruth Brennan Morrey

Buenos Aires 70.3 Race Report - The opportunity to travel to Argentina (on RT $96 ticket + flier miles!) was just awesome. Mark flew down from Friday to Sunday so it was a quick one and we didn't have a chance to catch many sights together.

Race outcome: 7th pro female, in a cluster of women from 4-7. 4th place was one minute up.

Swim: 2nd to last out of the water and a "wha? come again?" swim split to first out the water to Georgia Bulldog, Olympic trials swimmer, Haley Chura (pictured). She can swim. :)
Bike: 4th fastest in a 3 lap SUPER crowded 2 lane course. No mechanicals or hiccups. Thanks Rochester Cycling!
Run: 2nd fastest half-marathon on a flat course, 1:22....

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There's More to Life Than Triathlon...

lizzyb_loves_theres_more_to_life.pngMeredith Atwood on using this sport as a tool to bring out the good in yourself and others, not the opposite.

By Meredith Atwood (triathlete.com)

Time and time again I hear that someone is fighting with their spouse about triathlon training and “time away” from the house. I’ll hear about the ultimate discord that triathlon training is causing some relationships—not just significant others, but also parent-child, friendships and co-workers. Sometimes a relationship that is deteriorating, whether it’s a romantic relationship or a toxic work environment, was on the way out anyway. Other times, I think that we need to work a little bit harder to refocus on what is important.

When we are bit by the triathlon bug, it’s easy to go “all in” and make triathlon a very real obsession; after all, it is the greatest sport in the world, right? Where we used to sit on the couch watching Netflix and drinking beer with our best person all night long, and we are suddenly turning in for a 9 p.m. bedtime (on a weekend!), and waking up at 5 a.m. to be on the bike. Naturally, the other people in our lives may wonder what alien has jumped inside of our body and taken over....

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Invasion of the Bottle Slappers....


By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)


Dubai 70.3 Race Report - After checking out the initial start list and ticket prices for Dubai I figured it could be a great start to the season.  Unfortunately, everyone had the same idea and the pro list exploded.  The weather in Dubai is actually quite ideal for racing in January, mid 70’s and basically no humidity.  With mostly base winter miles behind me I knew it was going to be a tough race against a very talented field.  Here are my thoughts on the race.


1. I feel like a broken record saying this as it seems to be the norm now in 70.3 racing, but the swim start was very aggressive. It was a beach start with a sharp right turn after about 50 meters so I was sandwiched in the middle of the pack with multiple bodies on top of me....

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Increasing Your Pain Tolerance...


Take your performance to the next level by learning to embrace discomfort.


By MacKenzie Lobby (triathlete.com)

Compared to the general populace, multisport buffs are as tough as they come. There’s even research to back up that contention. To gain an understanding of what accounts for that tenacity, a new study sought to examine the important link between pain and performance. Indeed, those who are able to push harder and longer are usually the ones who end up atop the podium on race day.

Published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers had a group of cyclists perform sprint interval tests on bikes, giving them either 1.5 grams of...

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Gwen is Into Virtual Reality Technology...

Gwen_goggles.pngVirtual reality is shaping up to be the ultimate performance enhancer, no movement necessary.

By Brad Stulberg (triathlete.com)

En route to her gold medal during last year’s Rio Olympic Games, triathlete Gwen Jorgensen maneuvered around tight corners in a highly technical bike course as if she’d ridden them many times before. And in a way, she had. That’s because in addition to traditional mental training, like visualization and meditation, Jorgensen also used a custom-made virtual reality (VR) program, allowing her to repeatedly experience the Rio bike course from the comfort of her couch at her home.

“VR as a training tool has transformed the way athletes are preparing for competition,” says Danny Belch, a VR expert who works at STRIVR Labs, a VR performance science company founded by Stanford University researchers and based in Palo Alto, Calif. So much of the psychological stress—which zaps precious physical energy—associated with racing is related to the...

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