"Thank Your Body"....

KG_SOCKS.pngED. While web surfing recently, we stumbled upon an interview of Mankato triathlete, Kristin Gustafson, by her coach, Marni Sumbal, who is an awesome person. Do you know her? FYI - Kristin is one of the coolest people we know.


MS - Describe your athletic background and how you discovered your current sport?

KG - I was always competitive growing up playing tennis and basketball in high school. I tried playing tennis in college until my third knee surgery changed those plans. Any type of lateral movement makes me scared so I decided to find other activities where I only had to go straight. After college, I missed being competitive so I decided to start running. I started with a 10k and quickly moved onto doing marathons. After doing 20+ marathons, I felt like it was time to try something new. My very first triathlon was a half Ironman in July 2011 and the rest is history!

MS - What keeps you training and racing in your current sport?

KG - There is nothing more satisfying than signing up for a race, putting a 100% into training, being dedicated every day to becoming a better athlete, and then finishing it all off with completing the race distance. I was recently diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) this past year so now, more than ever...

before, everyday I appreciate what my body allows me to do, especially when I can get a good workout in. You never know how good you have it until you can no longer do what you love to do with your body anymore.

MS - What do you do for work?
KG - I am a manager for a program called Real Appeal. I manage coaches who work with both healthy and overweight individuals. Obesity is definitely an epidemic in our society. I work for a great company who is trying to change lives for the better.   READ MORE
