Race Previews

More MMA Stuff...

trinightMinnesota Multisport Awards - The nominees for all but two of the MMA categories--Long Course Athlete of the Year and Performance of the Year--have been officially announced, albeit in chunks. The male Triathlete of the Year candidates, for instance, were announced on October 2, while the female Most Improved nominees were revealed back on September 26, etc. For obvious reasons, the nominees in the final two categories were scheduled to be announced after the Hawaiian Ironman. To be more precise, those nominees will be tomorrow. Our fingers are crossed...

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How to Watch the Ironman World Championships...

macca-finish.gifBy Bethany Mavis (triathlon.competitor.com)

Want to follow the Ironman World Championship ..... this Saturday? Here’s what you need to know.

The exclusive live coverage will be on Ironman.com, and will be hosted by former Ironman world champion Greg Welch, and pro triathletes Michael Lovato and Matt Lieto. The live coverage will begin on Saturday, Oct. 12 at 6:00 a.m. HST (that’s 9:00 a.m. on the West Coast and 12 noon on the East....

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Kona Was a Bonus...& State Pride...

Diane-and-daughter.gifBy Diane Hankee

What do I hope to experience in Kona?  Well… the triathlon or the Hula dancing? 

I have raced some great courses this year and doing Kona will be the icing on the cake.  After riding Ironman Texas with my bike seat detached, crooked and wedged against the seat post, I am hoping that a flat tire will be the worst that will happen in Kona.  In TX I rode 65 miles with my seat in this condition and I debated if it would have been better to ditch the seat entirely.  I didn’t want the day to end so I went with it.  Thankfully the course was flat but the train tracks and bumps were numbing.  My husband warned me in TX not to adjust my seat before the race.  It was so painful that it resulted in a great bike split.  However, going through water stops was like riding a unicycle and the distraction and pain lead to nutrition issues and a bad race.  I felt horrible...

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Living Vicariously...

dnf-rates.gifBy Ben Ewers (benewersblogspot.com)

Lake Tahoe Ironman - I lived this event vicariously through my son, Ben Ewers III. He had raced 3 half Ironman (Vineman, Racine, World Championship) culminating with the Tahoe Ironman in an 8 week stretch...

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OLT Stuff

olt logoONE LAST TRI PREVIEW – Insufficient parking forcedthis eight-year-old event to leave its venue at Big Marine Park, and relocate to Ramsey County Beach on the north shore of White Bear Lake in the community of the same name. Big Marine could comfortably accommodate race personnel and perhaps 300 participants. The White Bear location has hosted more than twice that many folks at past editions of the Manitou Sprint...

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Stuff About Upcoming Stuff...

Square Lake RunOne of the humongousest racing weekends is just days away. Locally, there are the Square Lake races, a two-day deal at beautiful Square Lake, and the zany-cool Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour Tri near Superior, Wisconsin. If these events aren't pulling the fields they used to attract, the reasons--some obvious and some not-so-much--are many. A general "leveling trend" had been building the last 2-3 seasons. Next are theme races, mostly of the running variety, which are enticing many of the recreational athletes that typically account for a significant percentage of our tris and dus....

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