Race Previews

Stuff About Upcoming Stuff...

Square Lake RunOne of the humongousest racing weekends is just days away. Locally, there are the Square Lake races, a two-day deal at beautiful Square Lake, and the zany-cool Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour Tri near Superior, Wisconsin. If these events aren't pulling the fields they used to attract, the reasons--some obvious and some not-so-much--are many. A general "leveling trend" had been building the last 2-3 seasons. Next are theme races, mostly of the running variety, which are enticing many of the recreational athletes that typically account for a significant percentage of our tris and dus....


Then there's the fact that perhaps 20% of Minnesota's multisporters simply stop racing after the second week in August. This trend goes back to the days when Turtleman 

was the last race on the multi calendar.

Next, you can look at the national scene and note that this weekend will be highlighted by the 70.3 World Championships in Nevada, and, much closer to home on many levels, Ironman Wisconsin. We suspect that perhaps 50 Minnesotans will be racing in the desert this weekend, and almost 300 will be racing in Madison. The most significant numbers-sucker will be the number of triathletes who will be at IMOO as spectators and supporters. We suspect that between 3000 and 5000 of our state's triathletes will be lined up along the roadside in Dane County on Sunday.

Still, we're happy to report that in spite of the above trends and suspicions, both Square Lake and Burrito Burrito Union RunUnion have lured enough participants to justify their continuation. The event producers--Frontrunner USA (Uncle Randy) and RamJet (Cousin Rocket & Co.)--are hoping for a sweet influx of late registrants and we at MTN hope that the heretofore unregistered who are not heading for the Mad City or the Sonoran Sodom and Gamorrah (Las Vegas and Henderson), head instead for Stillwater or Pattison State Park. 

To learn more about Square Lake, visit the event WEBSITE. To learn more about the Burrito Union 5 & 10, visit their WEBSITE. BU is offering a sweet discount:

Hey party seekin tri friends. Heres a Huge 50% 5-10 hr Burrito Union tri Discount for you guys. Put together a last minute team, do the one and done or 5 hour solo. Just come up and party w us! - Rod Raymond

Heres the code. Feel free to Pass it on

Code is:

