Race Coverage

Trials & Triumphs...

plans.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey (ruthbrennanmorrey.com)

My last training update was in January. Its now April. Much has happened since then, so its time for an update! This post includes two parts: two trials and a triumph. Trial #1 is posted today, while trial #2 (Monterrey 70.3) and THE Brazil 70.3 podium triumph will be posted on Tuesday.  I’ve been fired, I’ve been sick, and I have performed.  This post highlights a sudden change in coaching leadership, the concept of resiliency, and how adversity has challenged my process.

Real Resilience

As many know, I have a PhD in Counseling Psychology, with a minor in Health Psychology. The concept of resilience has always been exceptionally intriguing to me. In fact, resilience and hope was the precise topic of my dissertation. During my academic training, I worked in a rehabilitation unit and helped patients cope with life threatening illnesses, spinal cord injuries, amputations, strokes, and other...

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Jorgensen Wins Again. US Rocks...

gold-coast-podium.gifBy Liz Hichens (triathlon.competitor.com)

American Gwen Jorgensen earned her eighth-straight (and 11th overall) World Triathlon Series victory today in Gold Coast, Australia. She was joined by two fellow Americans on the podium, with Sarah True and Katie Zaferes finishing second and third, respectively.

Jorgensen, True and Zaferes all came out of the 1.5K swim as part of the lead group. A front pack made up of eight athletes was formed, with all three of the Americans showing strong form all the way to T2. Once on the run, it quickly became apparent that Jorgensen would again run away with the victory. There was some short-lived drama as Jorgensen was forced to take a 15-second penalty for allowing her bike to fall while in transition. The penalty didn’t faze the reigning world champion as she was quickly back on the run course, still maintaining a strong lead.

Jorgensen ultimately turned in a 33:35 run to earn the 1:56:59 victory. True was strong throughout the entire run and grabbed the second spot in 1:58:17. Zaferes looked fatigued at times, but she was able to hold on for the final...

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Jorgensen Keeps Rockin'...

gwen-auckland.gifBy Usatriathlon.org

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — March 29 - 2014 ITU World Champion Gwen Jorgensen ran to her 10th career ITU World Triathlon Series win on Sunday at ITU World Triathlon Auckland, while fellow USA Triathlon National Team member Katie Zaferes earned her second-straight silver medal of the season.

Jorgensen (St. Paul, Minn.) clocked in at 2 hours, 9 minutes, 4 seconds on the 1,500-meter swim, 43.2-kilometer bike, 10-kilometer run course to break the tape. It was the seventh consecutive WTS win for the 2012 U.S. Olympian, who posted a 34:10 run split over 10k – the fastest run of the day by nearly 50 seconds. Zaferes (Hampstead, Md.) finished second in 2:10:42, mirroring the podium from three weeks ago at ITU World Triathlon Abu Dhabi when Jorgensen and Zaferes also finished 1-2....

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Raking in the Reals...

RUTH-HELLE-SOFIE.gifLATIN AMERICA 70.3 CHAMPIONSHIPS - BRASILIA - The season is young and most Minnesotans won't start racing for another month. Still, three of our state's fastest women are already kicking serious buttocks. A few weeks back, Lisa Lendway's half IM debut resulted in a runaway victory. That same weekend Lisa's sister, Heather, rocked a 2nd place pro finish ($3000 payday) at Las Olas International.

Yesterday, Ruth Brennan Morrey, in spite of a nine-minute deficit coming out of the water, rode like a banshee (2:17:19!) and ran even banshee-er (1:22:27!) en route to the podium, a 3rd place finish in a sizzing 4:18:16 at the Brasila Latin America 70.3 Championships.

The Top Two places were earned by Danish superstar Helle Fredericksen (4:04:16), whose 2014 victories included HyVee Elite Cup, Lanzarote 70.3 and Challenge Bahrain (Triathlon's richest race!), and Belgium's Sofie Goos (4:17:15), a sub-9-hour Ironman with a 70.3 PR of 4:06....

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Hanging Out, Smiling, Laughing, Bonding...

Lisa-finish.gifToughman Florida – Race report

By Lisa Lendway (FYI - Today--March 27--is Lisa's Birthday.)

The short version: swim – short, double-loop through alligator-infested waters (17:30, after the race some of the athletes wearing GPS said it was around .8 miles, rather than 1.2); T1 – long run up to transition hoping I was fast enough so the fire ants wouldn’t bite me (2:22.4); Bike – 54 miles of absolute flatness (2:26:21.3); T2 – short and sweet (39.7); Run – HOT and a tad long (1:44:38.0, ~13.25 miles)

The LOOOONG version:

I signed up for the Toughman Florida half Ironman event in mid-December and trained for it all winter. I was tentatively excited about it, which means I was excited and EXTREMELY nervous. My bike was all tuned up by the great mechanics at NOW in St. Paul and it and my other gear were already in Florida with my Dad (aka Stopwatch Greg) and my sister (AKA Aunty Heather). I kept telling myself to stop being nervous about the race. No matter how it went, I was headed to the beach on a week vacation to Florida with my two girls! ...

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My First Pro Podium...

LAS-OLAS-PODIUM.gifLas Olas – The Unexpected Non-Drafting Pro Debut – Race Report

By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

When I left for Florida on March 4th I was planning to race twice but I ended up racing three times with a last minute decision to race at Las Olas international distance tri in Ft. Lauderdale. If I quick flash back to that week, Lifetime had just announced that they would not be holding a professional tri series anymore and in that instant, the majority of my season’s racing plan was erased. That left me with a couple options: get more serious about draft legal racing or go long-distance. Neither option had me jumping for joy. After racing at Clermont on Saturday and being very disappointed in my performance, I began to question my choice for even taking my pro card. I wanted to go pro to have the opportunity to race the best athletes out there, now the majority of those opportunities disappeared (Olympic distance non-drafting)....

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