Race Coverage

Additional Indoor Tri Stuff...

julie-F.gifHere is some more capsule-style coverage of some of the Life Time - Indoor Tris that took place in the Metro back on January 3.

CROSSTOWN - This event had thirty-eight finishers and was won by Michael Tate and Emilie Strand. We believe that Michael is a transplanted cheesehead and is into Einsteinian stuff, Kanye West and Russell Crowe movies. Also using Facebook as our guide, Emilie is either from Norway or California. If she's the California Emilie, she was educated at Cornell and is now doing agra-business stuff in western Wisconsin. Of course, she may not have a FB account.

Some very accomplished outdoor triathletes participated, like former Lake Minnetonka and Minnesota Tri Series winner Steve Sander (3rd), who is a truly awesome guy, and Linda Langkos, nee Schievelbein, who is a HOOT, in addition to being one of our state's top 50-plussers. RESULTS....

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Emotional Gamut...

Baby-trophy.gifHow (not) to podium on your first IM distance race
By Dr. Ryan Wippler
HITS-Naples Full Race Report - It's 6 PM the night before my first IM distance race. I've been up since 3 AM-spent an exhaustive day traveling with wife and infant. My back is killing me from lugging my bike, tri-, and baby gear around the MSP and Fort Myers airports. Oscar, the profusely-sweating over-taxed local bike mechanic is telling me he is unable to put my bike back together due to a very specialized finger nail sized piece of carbon fiber (seat post clamp) has gone missing, either during the bike teardown or rebuild, with no replacement to be found at any bike shop with 100 miles and the local Quintana Roo rep isn't answering his phone. My dream of becoming an ironman is quickly turning into a nightmare.  I'm pulling my hair out, losing my mind.  I'm not going to race tomorrow!?  Was the last five months of training for not?  ...

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Podium Debut...

Wippler_cropped.gifLast Sunday, which will live in infamy for Vikings fans, MTN received an email from Wade Cruser alerting us to the fact that Ryan Wippler (photo) had done HITS-Naples Full on Saturday. Like Cruser, Wippler was among those discussed in the Most Improved category last season.

Here's the scoop: Ryan placed 3rd overall in his full IM debut in Naples, Florida on January 9. His time was 10:36. Congrats Ryan from the guys at MTN. RESULTS

FYI - Wippler and Cruser were among Minnesota's most improved multisport athletes because they had breakout seasons. Here are their 2015 highlights:


DR. RYAN WIPPLER, 37, Rogers

- 1st @ Lakes to Pines

- 1st @ Paul Bunyan Long Course

- 1st @ Minnewaska...

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Firefighters & Cool Tats...

erin-lahti.gifThe 2016 indoor tri season has begun. On January 3, Life Time Fitness staged 1-hour pool-trainer-treadmil events at thirteen of their metro locations. These are super fun, very social experiences and we recommend them highly.

As in seasons past, we will post capsule coverage of these races. Today we present stuff about two of those January 3 events.


CHANHASSEN - Thirty people finished and Jake Hausauer and Erin Lahti led the way for their respective genders. A SCSU grad, Jake did some impressive outdoor racing last season. Highlights include a 3rd place finishes at Buffalo Sprint and Graniteman Big Lake, and a 6th at Life Time - Minneapolis Sprint. Jake, 24, is tall and an awsome swimmer. We think he was recently married, but we're not sure....

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"Okay, here we go!"

photo-35.gifED. Recently we stumbled upon this cool 2013 interview of Duluth triathlete and awesome person Jessica Rossing. It's reposted here with permission of the author and subject.

By Dina Clabaugh (dinaclabaugh.wordpress.com)

Duluthian Jessica Rossing is en route to San Diego this weekend for her second triathlon this year. A couple weeks ago she rocked it in Miami at the Nautica South Beach Triathlon; ranking first in her age category and eleventh overall for women. Go Rossing! That is awesome and Duluth is proud.

Jessica runs the Evolve Duluth studio I mention so often. I am addicted to her spin classes and especially love hitting the two-hour class on Sunday mornings....

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Surreal, Joyful, Eager...

peloton-chicago.gif(Great Paul Phillips / Competitive Image photo)

What does it feel like to win a World Championship title on home soil in an undefeated season?


By Gwen Jorgensen (gwenjorgensen.com)


SURREAL. I would never have ever imagined I would go undefeated this year and it is strange to sit here and find words to describe it. I don’t think it is something I will be able to grasp until my career in triathlon is over. Often Patrick and I will say to each other, “Can you believe this?” and the response is always a laugh…and a “no!”

PROMISING. Last year I debated quitting the sport after my race in Auckland. I thought I didn’t belong. At the time, Jamie and Patrick told me to take a week and just think about it and...

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