Race Coverage

"The Coolest Part...is the Atmosphere"...

kristina_jump.pngED. This is one of the finest race reports you'll ever read! Enjoy.

By Kristina Swenson (kristinaswenson.wixite.com)

Collegiate Nationals Race Report - I’ve experienced a lot of triathlon in my short racing career, from small local races to draft-legal junior elite races to the ITU World Championship, but nothing quite compares to USA Triathlon Collegiate Club National Championship. This past weekend, I competed in my second Collegiate Nationals in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Nearly 1,300 athletes and 120 club teams came from all over the country to compete against the best of the best in collegiate triathlon. This is a two-day event that consists of a draft-legal sprint distance race, a non-draft Olympic distance race, and a super sprint mixed team relay race.
The coolest part about this race is the atmosphere. This is the race that every college triathlete around the country trains for each year. This is our opportunity to show the world what happens between our classes and late night study sessions at the library. This is where those 30-hour training weeks and every party you missed because you...

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"Weird How That is"...

Screen_Shot_2017-04-18_at_9.34.24_PM.pngED. Most Improved nominee in 2015 and all around cool guy, Mike Ward has been concentrating on ultra running the last two season and has emerged as a national level talent. Here's his latest race report.

By Mike Ward (mikeward.cool/blog)

Race Day: Friday, April 7, 2017

Zumbro Midnight 50 Mile Race Report - Never in my life have I had such a perfect training block leading up to a race. I guess that is a bold statement to make, but I feel like there is always some sort of question or apprehension, some little nagging injury or training fall-out that makes you question the pending performance. This year, this race, and with race week taper in full force, I was so content with every single mile I had put in and the output of fitness it produced. I was running faster and stronger than ever....

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The "Rust Buster"...



By Gaby Bunten


South Beach Triathlon Race Report –

Ahh… MIAMI! The city’s colors, culture, energy and beachfront simply can’t be beat. Needless, to say I didn’t think twice about signing up for the South Beach Triathlon back in December. I knew I’d be making a couple of trips down to Miami to visit my coach, so why not do a race?!  ...

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Top 5 For Hank...



FLORIDA 70.3 - 2016 Minnesota Most Improved winner DIANE HANKEE placed 5th overall and first in her 40-44 AG this morning in Haines City, Florida. Her time was 4:52:30. FL 70.3 is Diane's first race as a master.


Former Square Lake Half champ / 2012 Minnesota Master of the Year nominee ANGIE SCHMIDT also raced at Florida 70.3. The amiable Lakeville resident, who ...

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Gratitude & Cheap Flights...


By Ruth Brennan Morrey

Buenos Aires 70.3 Race Report - The opportunity to travel to Argentina (on RT $96 ticket + flier miles!) was just awesome. Mark flew down from Friday to Sunday so it was a quick one and we didn't have a chance to catch many sights together.

Race outcome: 7th pro female, in a cluster of women from 4-7. 4th place was one minute up.

Swim: 2nd to last out of the water and a "wha? come again?" swim split to first out the water to Georgia Bulldog, Olympic trials swimmer, Haley Chura (pictured). She can swim. :)
Bike: 4th fastest in a 3 lap SUPER crowded 2 lane course. No mechanicals or hiccups. Thanks Rochester Cycling!
Run: 2nd fastest half-marathon on a flat course, 1:22....

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Invasion of the Bottle Slappers....


By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)


Dubai 70.3 Race Report - After checking out the initial start list and ticket prices for Dubai I figured it could be a great start to the season.  Unfortunately, everyone had the same idea and the pro list exploded.  The weather in Dubai is actually quite ideal for racing in January, mid 70’s and basically no humidity.  With mostly base winter miles behind me I knew it was going to be a tough race against a very talented field.  Here are my thoughts on the race.


1. I feel like a broken record saying this as it seems to be the norm now in 70.3 racing, but the swim start was very aggressive. It was a beach start with a sharp right turn after about 50 meters so I was sandwiched in the middle of the pack with multiple bodies on top of me....

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