Protein Types...

garbanzos.gifBy Brooke Schohl (usatriathlon.org)

Whey and casein used to monopolize the protein department when it came to sports products like protein powder and bars. Now there are a whole slew of plant-based protein sources included in our sport foods! I often get the question — which one is really best? Most easily absorbed? Healthiest? Like so many areas of nutrition, the answer is highly individual.

For athletes who process dairy products well, whey and casein are good options. Plant-based proteins do not contain milk and pave the way for easier digestion for those who don’t process dairy efficiently. Many of the vegetarian proteins are also gluten free and soy free. Are these plant-based proteins as...

efficiently utilized in the body as the animal proteins? The answer depends on the specific type of protein in question, but oftentimes the answer is yes.

Here is a breakdown of several animal and plant-based proteins included in sports products. All of these proteins can limit muscle breakdown and facilitate muscle repair/rebuilding post-workout.

Whey Protein
Complete protein made from milk, easily digestible unless there is a dairy allergy present. Whey protein isolate is higher in protein then whey protein concentrate.

Casein Protein
Casein is absorbed more slowly than whey; it helps athletes to stay full longer. It is also derived from milk.

Pea Protein
Beneficial for people with active lifestyles due to its lysine and arginine content. Pea protein contains essential (body cannot produce) and non-essential (body can produce) amino acids. READ MORE
