Why "Hard" Courses are Easier....

IMOO-bike.gifA smart strategy for finishing a hilly bike leg with energy left for the run.

By Scott Fleigelman (triathlon.competitor.com - July, 2014)

Last September I brought 15 athletes to Madison, Wis., ready to unleash their hard-earned fitness upon the Ironman Wisconsin course. On Friday morning of race week, however, several of them chose to attend the pro panel and had their confidence shaken by tales of a “brutal” bike course that would surely “chew you up and spit you out.”  ...

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GwenJorgensenTriathleteC.gifAs the countdown to the Rio 2016 begins, T+L is talking to Olympic hopefuls about how they travel. Here, American Triathlon favorite Gwen Jorgensen shares how food is her focus on the road.


By Gwen Jorgensen (travelandleisure.com)

Every year, my husband Patrick and I plan a trip entirely around food–an Eatcation. I’m a huge foodie, and checking restaurants around the world gets me extremely excited. Before we take-off, I make sure to check out Yelp reviews and map out Michelin-starred spots at each destination. Anytime we can try new foods or score a table at a hard-to-get-into restaurant, I consider it a success....

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To Be, or Not to Be...an Ironman....



By Jonathan Cane (triathlon.competitor.com)

Dear Coach: I’m a competitive age-grouper who has always done sprints and Olympic-distance races, but I feel like I should make the move to Ironman. How do I know if I’m really ready?  ...

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Smart Strategies...

michelle-kona.gifStill trying to put the finishing touches on that blank race calendar? Take a page out of an IRONMAN Master Coach's book, and plan better this year.

By Troy Jacobson (ironman.com)

On the surface, building your race calendar for the upcoming triathlon season seems easy, right? Simply choose races that you think you'll enjoy, click the register button, punch in your credit card number, and if it's not already full, you’re in! Budgets and life conflicts aside, the process is fairly simple and straightforward. That is, until a long-course triathlon such as an IRONMAN 70.3 or IRONMAN makes its way onto your radar.
As your race calendar and training plan start to see higher numbers, things tend to get more complex all around. It's important to maximize your preparation for your big day and squeeze the strongest performance out of yourself as possible. Long course triathlon racing is a huge...

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Rehab or Pre-Hab....

ball-lady.gifBy Bethany Rutledge (triathlon.competitor.com)

Use this pre-season time to (finally!) focus on all the things you should be doing to become a better triathlete.

Though it can be tempting to jump right back into swim, bike, run preparation for 2016, there might be better areas to focus on in the off-season that could lead to more gains.

During the season, it’s difficult to focus on that extra 10 percent, which is why the winter is the time to do all the things you’ve been putting off. Sure, there are no prizes awarded at the end of the pre-hab finish line or...

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