Men's Team Minnesota: Why?



What needs to be understood at the outset is that TEAM MINNESOTA athletes are ranked by resume only, not reputation, i.e. who is perceived to be better than whom.

The way the team is determined is this: all five Committee members independently evaluate the resumes of the 20-or-so candidates. Each Selector then submits his (there were no female Selecrors this year; we hope that changes in 2018) list to the Chairman, who totals the points according to an athlete's placements. For instance, four Selectors ranked Sean Cooley 1st, with one ranking him 2nd. Sean, therefore, received 6 points.

Below is 2017 men's Team Minnesota. Next to each name is their point total. In parentheses are the ranking each athlete received. We also comment on how they fared against fellow Team MN members.


2017 Men's TEAM MINNESOTA:   ...

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Christina's World...


By Jerry Anonymous

I'm a random member of the MMA Selection Committee. You don't know me. You can refer to me by my alias: Jerry Anonymous.

Selecting MMA nominees and winners is a democratic process, thus committee members don't always get what they want. And though I'm fine with the eventual selections, even those that were not my first choice, there was one category that I was especially vocal about, yet totally unable to get a majority of the other Selectors to agree on.

That category was female TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR.

For the first time in the 19-year history of the MMAs, THREE athletes were in contention for the award.  Typically, there is a obvious choice, e.g. Heather Lendway (2014, 2013), Ruther Brennan Morrey (2012), Suzie Fox (2015), Claire Bootsma (2011), Cathy Yndestad (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007), Becky Youngberg (2004), Marlo Crosby (2006), Jan Guenther (1999, 2000, 2001). Twice (2005 and 2002) the choice was between two athletes....


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New Hope & Helping Others...



By Kristin Gustafson (Facebook - Dec. 6)


And just like that mine and Gus’s trip to Punta Cana is done and over with! There is no sugar coating that this year has been tough.

MS = 1 / Kristin = 0.

I started out the year feeling like I let down family, friends, coaches, sponsors, and anyone else you can think of. It was a tough beginning of the year, but feel like I am finally finding my new normal. Made new fitness goals that I feel like I have crushed these last few months, dove head first into work where I feel like my department is rocking and rolling, mentally stronger and definitely in a much better place, working with an amazing team at Rochester where we are diving into new treatments that are truly giving me more hope, and lastly getting asked by the specialists to work with other patients struggling to find their new normal....

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Wade Disagrees Again...


ED. Last Friday we posted Wade Cruser's comments on male Performance of the Year. He disagreed with the MMA Committee's pick. He also disagrees with their women's POY selection. Here are his reasons.


By Wade Cruser


Who wants to take another trip with me? The women’s POY isn’t any easier. So, for this one don’t just buckle up. You’re gonna need a helmet, goggles, gloves, and one of those suits they wear when they're training dogs to take someone down. 

I’m going to break it down in the same order Trinews presented. 
Gaby‘s victory at Minneapolis
     This was my pick for EMMA bingo. Why? I’m not sure. Just sounded right that night.  So, what happened there? 
She finished 2:08:34, fastest female OLY time of 2017.  How does her time stack up against the best on the course?
1. 2:06:21 - Heather Lendway - 2014
2. 2:08:07 - Alissa Doehla - 2016
3. 2:08:34 Gaby Bunten - 2017
4. 2:09:31 Danielle Dingman- 2017
I’d say pretty good. Third best amateur time. Very impressive. ...

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Shocked & Unconvinced...


By Wade Cruser

I thought this would be too long for the comment section, so if you like it,  feel free to post it.

I, like Matt Payne,  had Sean’s 4:06 at Chisago on my EMMA Bingo sheet for POY, as I’m sure most did. 

When Jerry called my name I was baffled.  Almost positive he said the wrong name, but sure enough my name was on the award.  So for the last month I’ve been refreshing Minnesotatrinews.com nonstop, waiting for the explanation.  In that time I’ve tried to put together an argument, that would justify me winning, to me.   

I’m a results nerd, so I put together the top 20 times at each event since 2006.  Now I’m sure you’ll say, “ but Wade, weather is never consistent, and can cause changes in race times from year to year”.   I do agree whole heartedly, but I think with a large enough sample size then it’s not as big of a factor.   I would say that 10 years is a good chunk, and wouldn’t you know it, we have 11, perfect!! So buckle your seat belt, because here we go. ...

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